Would You Rather?



  • Alv'Alv' Member

    Would you rather to get travel for free(forever) or food for free(forever)
  • food

    Would you rather have dogs or cats
  • Boko!Boko! Member

    10 krampus

    Would you rather fly or teleport?


  • cats.

    Would you rather have sleep paralysis, or have it actually happen?
  • SarcoSarco Member
    Have it actually happen

    Would you rather Poseidon or Zeus
  • PlayerPlayer Member

    Would you rather look rich but be poor or be rich but look poor
  • be rich but look poor, it is a win-win situation, people don't bother you for being rich and also you can buy the things you have always dreamed of...

    Would you rather learn how to code or how to draw? both are needed at making a game for example
  • coding

    would you rather be an epic gamer (like me) or be a SIMP (like Player)
  • CubicCubic Member
    edited May 2020


    would you rather be an epic gamer (like me) or be a SIMP (like Player)

    Epic gamer, duh. Who wants to be a simp like Player XD

    Would you rather open 200k in packs or get 100k
  • To get 100k.

    Would you rather receive 1million dollars now or to flip a coin for the chance to win 1billion dollars ?
  • 1 million dollars now

    Would you rather have a family and no friends or friends and no family
  • PlayerPlayer Member
    edited March 2021
  • SarcoSarco Member
    Poo that tastes like ice-cream

    A pc equivalent to the cost of an Xbox or an Xbox
  • edited May 2020
    Pc equivalent to cost of Xbox

    Would you rather be rich and lonely and poor but with friends
  • Poor but with friends (Because I'm in that state)

    You joined Party Minigames, and you can select a minigame to play, but only one.

    Would you rather play the minigame that rewards cubits or the minigame that rewards wearables?
  • coobit

    would you rather be xX_Thundah or just another new player in cc
  • Sleeping beauty would you rather to get 2 halo or 1 easter umb?
  • UU Member, Forum Moderator, Game Moderator
    2 halo.

    Would you rather have unlimited cubits, or unlimited items?

    (You don’t have to close this thread for necroposting)
    edited January 2023
  • Who lives in a pineapple under the sea?

    Would you rather ride an elephant or a giraffe
  • IronfishIronfish Member
    edited August 2020
    An elephant
    would you rather scam someone 5 vends or get scammed a halo
  • Scam myself 5 vends >:3

    Would you rather become a moderator or get 1 million cubits
  • A million cubits

    Would you rather see the future or go back to the past?
  • past

    would you rather have a pet rabbit or parrot
  • parrot

    Would you rather have Willy Wonka as your neighbor or Spongebob
  • panjbeb ofc

    egg or carrot?
  • egg :P

    would you rather play cc for 1 whole day or stay in school 1 whole day
  • xX_ThundahxX_Thundah Member
    edited September 2020
    i mis schol cc is boring

    get 1 million cubits or 100,000 wings worth 100c
    edited January 2023
  • What lmao, obviously mope

    Would you rather Have a chance to win 10 billion USD, but have a 25% to die instantly or stay as you are
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