Fairy Glitter - Hand Item Idea

Back then... there was a glitch where you could equip a glass block or a mountain block in the wand slot, and when you use your wand... nothing happens, except that the sparkly stuff from firing wands appears. I noticed this when you attempt to fire with an umbrella or balloon, so I decided to post this idea.

Fairy Glitter! It is just some glitter that you place in your wand slot, and the sparkly stuff appears around your hand when you fire your "wand." It would give more detail in fairy outfits. My idea for the recipe?

I was thinking about these two:

1 Captured Fairy + Magical Potion + Solvent (>:3) + 1 Fizzled Wand with a Knife.


Rare chance from capturing a fairy.

What do you all think?

If you guys do not know what I'm talking about, try equiping a balloon or umbrella and try to use the wand action. See what happens.


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