Crafting Recipes

UU Member, Forum Moderator, Game Moderator
edited August 2017 in General Chat
How this thread works is that every crafting recipe is in alphabetical order based on the items name. For example: Forge would be in F.



Acceloring (Horizontal): Stainless Steel Plate + Pipes + Magnets + Rubber Hose with Screwdriver
Acceloring (Vertical): Stainless Steel Plate + Pipes + Magnets + Rubber Hose with Screw Driver


Bark Block: Pine Trunks with Saw
Barrel: Tacks + Glue + Iron + Wood plank with Hammer
Basic Bumper: Gizmos + Springs + Rubber + Porcelain with Screwdriver
Beehive: Wood Planks + Tacks + Beeswax with Hammer
Black Dye: Red Flowers + Blue Flowers + Yellow Flowers/Black Dye + Oil/Coal + Oil with Mortar and Pestel
Blue Dye: Blue Flowers/Frost Berries with Mortar and Pestel
Book: Paper + Charcoal
Bouncy Block: Rubber
Brick (Red): Red Dye + Sand + Stone
Brick (Blue): Blue Dye + Sand + Stone
Brick (Dark): Black Dye + Sand + Stone
Brick Stairs: Red Bricks with Chisel


Candle: Beeswax + String
Cash Register: White Dye + Gizmos + Stainless Steel Plate + Sprigs with Screwdriver
Cedar Fence: Trunk + Sticks + Tacks with Hammer
Checkered Stairs: Checker Blocks with Chisel
Chest: Wood Planks + Iron + Tacks + Glue with Hammer
Checkers Half: Checkers with Chisel
Chisel: Iron with Hammer
Clay Block: Clay Lumps
Clay Block Half: Clay Block with Chisel
Clay Brick: Clay Lumps
Clay Brick Cap: Clay Brick + Clay Lump with Chisel
Closed Sign: New Wood Planks + Glue + White Dye + Blue Dye
Cloth: Three Cotton
Cloudy Potion: Sunny Potion + Spicy Potion + Fiery Potion
Coal Block: Coal
Cobble Stone: Stone + Mud + Clay Lump + Sand
Column (Old): Tacks + Old Wood Planks with Hammer
Column (New): Tacks + New Wood Planks with Hammer
Crate: Tacks + New Wood Planks + Varnish with Hammer
Crude Signpost: Trunk + Charcoal + String


Diamond Half Block: Diamond Block with Laser Cutter
Diamond Stairs: Diamond Block with Laser Cutter
Dice: Basic Bumper + Porcelain + Coal + Glue with Screwdriver
Distiller: Steel Cauldron + Rubber Hose + Pipe + Red Brick
Down Sign: Trunk + Glue + Charcoal + White Dye


Emerald Half Block: Emerald Block with Laser Cutter
Emerald Stairs: Emerald Block with Laser Cutter
Extractor: Stainless Steel Plate + Pipe + Steel Gear + Rubber Hose with Screwdriver


Fancy Cabinet: Varnish + Iron + Tacks + New Wood Planks with Hammer
Fancy Chair: Varnish + Glue + Tacks + New Wood Planks with Hammer
Fancy Flooring: New Wood Block + Varnish
Fancy Road: Stone Blocks with Chisel
Fancy Table: Varnish + Glue + Tacks + New Wood Planks with Hammer
Fadey Foam (Red): Cloudy Potion + Ghost Dust + Red Dye
Fadey Foam (Blue): Cloudy Potion + Ghost Dust + Blue Dye
Fadey Foam (Green) Cloudy Potion + Green Dye + Ghost Dust
Finial Sandstone: Sandy Block with Chisel
Finial Stone: Stone Block with Chisel
Forge: Metal Plate + Iron + Coal with Hammer
Fridge: Ice + Pipe + Metal Plates + Rubber with Wrench


Gizmo: Gold + Glass + Sand + Glue
Glue: Rubber
Gold Block: Gold
Gold Brick: Gold Blocks with Hammer
Gold Plate: Gold Block with Hammer
Golden Stairs: Gold Blocks with Hammer
Golden Wand: Whittled Stick + Varnish + Gold
Green Dye: Blue Flower + Yellow Flower/Chilli Berries with Mortar and Pestel
Grey Checker Block: Stone + Coal/Stone + Coal Block/Stone Block + Coal Block
Green Goop: Bouncy Block + Solvent + Green Dye


Half Coral: Pink Coral with Chisel
Half Dirt: Dirt with Chisel
Half Grass: Grass with Saw
Half Mesa: Mesa with Chisel
Half Mountain: Mountain with Chisel
Half Mountain Grass: Mountain Grass with Saw
Half Sand: Sand with Chisel
Half Snow: Snow with Saw
Harm Wand: Golden Wand + Magical Potion + Bones + Red Magic Gem
Hint Sign: New Wood Planks + Glue + White Dye + Charcoal
House Lamp: Porcelain + Blue Dye + Cloth with Screwdriver


Iron Block: Iron
Iron Pole: Refined Iron with Hammer
Iron Stairs: Iron Blocks with Hammer



Knife: Glue + Steel Block + Sticks with Steel Hammer
Knock Back Wand: Silvery Wand + Magical Potion + Gold Magic Gem + Blue Magic Gem


Ladder: Sticks + Tacks with Hammer
Laser Cutter: Diamond Block + Pipe + Magnets + Gizmos with Screwdriver
Left Sign: Trunk + Glue + Charcoal + White Dye


Magic Potion: Cloudy Potion + Ghost Gum + Purple Magic Gem + Solvent
Magnet: Gizmos + Iron
Marble Column: Marble with Chisel
Marble Half Block: Marble with Chisel
Marble Stairs: Marble with Chisel
Mattress (Double): Springs + Cloth + New Wood Planks + Cotton with Sewing Kit
Mattress: Springs + Cloth + New Wood Planks + Cotton with Sewing Kit
Mecho Spikes (Blue): Stainless Steel Plate + Spike Floor + Steel Gear + Rubber Band with Screwdriver
Mecho Spikes (Yellow): Stainless Steel Plate + Spike Floor + Steel Gear + Rubber Band with Screwdriver
Metal Plate: Iron Block with Hammer
Mortar and Pestel: Stone + Clay Lumps + Sticks
Mosaic Floor: Red Glass + Blue Glass + Glue + Stone Block with Chisel
Mosaic Half Block: Mosaic Floor with Chisel
Mosaic Stairs: Mosaic Floor with Chisel
Mud: Water + Dirt


  • UU Member, Forum Moderator, Game Moderator
    edited August 2017
    Permission has been granted to put part of the thread in the comments section due to it's length.


    Nest: Stick + Egg
    Note Block (Dark): Spring + String + Sticks + Coal with Screwdriver
    Note Block (Light): Spring + String + Sticks + Porcelain with Screwdriver


    Office Lamp: Porcelain + Black Dye + Spring + Gizmos with Screwdriver
    Official Sign (Red): New Wood Planks + Glue + White Dye + Red Dye
    Official Sign (Black): New Wood Planks + Glue + White Dye + Black Dye
    Official Sign (Green): New Wood Planks + Glue + White Dye + Green Dye
    Old Wood Fence: Dead Tree Trunk + Sticks + Tacks with Hammer
    Open Sign: New Wood Planks + Glue + White Dye + Red Dye
    Orange Dye: Red Flower + Yellow Flower with Mortar and Pestel


    Pants: Cloth with Sewing Kit
    Paper Lantern (Red): Paper + Red Dye + Glue + Candle
    Paper Lantern (Blue) Paper + Blue Dye + Glue + Candle
    Paper Lantern (Green): Paper + Green Dye + Glue + Candle
    Paper Lantern (Purple): Paper + Purple Dye + Glue + Candle
    Park Bench: Varnish + Iron Pole + Tacks + New Wood Planks
    Pedestrians Only Block: Gizmos + Steel Block + Blue Dye
    Persian Rug: Cotton + Red Dye + Blue Dye
    Persian Rug Half Block: Persian Rug with Saw
    Persian Rug Stairs: Persian Rug Half Block + Tacks + New Wood Planks + Glue
    Phantom Foam: Cloudy Potion + Ghost Dust
    Pink Dye: White Flowers + Red Flowers/Pink Flowers/Pink Dye with Mortar and Pestel
    Pipe: Iron with Hammer
    Plaster: Stone + Sand
    Plaster Half: Plaster with Chisel
    Plaster Stairs: Plaster with Chisel
    Pot (Round): Three Clay Lumps
    Pot (Round Neck): Two Clay Lumps
    Prison Bars: Refined Iron + Hammer
    Pulse Bomb: Porcelain + Vulcanized Rubber + Magnet with Screwdriver
    Purple Dye: Red Flowers + Blue Flowers with Mortar and Pestel

    Quick Sand: Sand + Oil + Mud + Water


    Red Dye: Red Flowers/Yum Berries with Mortar and Pestel
    Rehydrator: Stainless Steel Plates + Pipes + Rubber Hose + Water with Screwdriver
    Right Sign: Trunk + Glue + Charcoal + White Dye
    Road (White): Wet Cement + Sand + Oil + White Dye
    Road (Yellow): Wet Cement + Sand + Oil + Yellow Dye
    Rope: String
    Rope Ladder> Rope + Glue with Sewing Kit
    Rubber Band: Vulcanized Rubber with Knife
    Rubber Hose: Vulcanized Rubber + Pipe with Knife
    Ruby Half Block: Ruby Block with Laser Cutter
    Ruby Stairs: Ruby Block with Laser Cutter


    Sandstone: Sand
    Sandstone Column: Sandy Block with Chisel
    Sandstone Half: Sandstone with Chisel
    Sandy Block: Sand
    Sandy Block Half: Sandy Block with Chisel
    Sandy Block Stairs: Sandy Block with Chisel
    Sandy Brick: Sand
    Sandy Brick Half: Sandy Brick with Chisel
    Sandy Brick Stairs: Sandy Brick with Chisel
    Saw: Iron + Palm Trunk with Hammer
    Screwdriver: Iron + Sticks with Hammer
    Shelve (Old): Tacks + Old Wood Planks with Hammer
    Shelve (New): Tacks + New Wood Planks with Hammer
    Shirt: Cloth with Sewing Kit
    Silver Plate: Silver Block with Hammer
    Silver Stair: Silver Blocks with Hammer
    Sink: Porcelain + Pipe with Wrench
    Spring: Steel Rod + Pipe with Steel Hammer
    Stainless Steel Block: Silver + Refined Steel
    Stainless Steel Plate: Stainless Steel Block with Steel Hammer
    Stainless Steel Stairs: Stainless Steel Blocks with Steel Hammer
    Steel Cauldron: Steel Block with Steel Hammer
    Steel Gear: Steel Block with Steel Hammer
    Steel Hammer: Glue + Steel Block + Sticks
    Steel Plate: Steel Block with Steel Hammer
    Steel Rod: Steel Block with Steel Hammer
    Steel Stairs: Steel Blocks with Steel Hammer
    Sticks: Tree Tops with Saw
    Stone Block Half: Stone Block with Chisel
    Stone Block: Stone
    Stone Brick: Stone
    Stone Brick Cap: Stone Brick + Stone with Chisel
    Stone Column: Stone Blocks with Chisel
    Stone Cross: Stone Block with Chisel
    Stone Fence: Stone Blocks with Chisel
    Stone Hammer: Stone + Sticks + String
    Stop Sign: Trunks + Glue + Charcoal + Red Dye
    Stone Stairs: Stone Block + Stone with Chisel
    Stove: Coal + Pipe + Metal Plates with Wrench
    Street Light: Refined Iron + Candle + Glass with Hammer
    String: Grass/Tropical Grass
    Sewing Kit: Cloth + Tacks + String
    Silver Block: Silver
    Silvery Wand: Whittled Stick + Varnish + Silver
    Snot: Bouncy Block + Solvent + Yellow Dye + Green Dye
    Sofa (Red): Wood Planks + Cotton + Red Dye + Tacks with Hammer
    Sofa (Blue): Wood Planks + Cotton + Blue Dye + Tacks with Hammer
    Soil: Dirt + Tree Leaves + Water
    Spiked Floor: Metal Plate + Thorns/Metal Plate + Tacks


    Tacks: Iron with Hammer
    Terracotta Half Block: Terracotta Tile with Chisel
    Terracotta Stairs: Terracotta Tile with Chisel
    Terracotta Tile: Clay Lumps + Iron with Chisel
    Throne: Varnish + Gold + Cloth + New Wood Planks with Hammer
    Toilet: Porcelain + Pipe + Rubber with Wrench
    Torch: Oil + Cloth + Sticks
    Trash Can: Stainless Steel Plate with Steel Hammer


    Up Sign: Trunk + Glue + Charcoal + White Dye


    Varnish: Solvent + Pine Resin


    Warning Sign: Trunk + Glue + Charcoal + Yellow Dye
    Wet Paste: Sand + Charcoal + Pink Coral + Water with Chisel
    Wet Cement: Charcoal + Lava + Water with Chisel
    White Dye: White Flowers with Mortar and Pestel
    White Fence: Trunk + Sticks + Tacks + White Dye with Hammer
    White Lattice: Wood Lattice + White Dye
    Whittled Stick: Sticks with Knife
    Wind Machine: Horizontal Accelorings + Stainless Steel Plates + Pipe + Cloud with Screwdriver
    Wood Block (Old): Old Wood Planks + Tacks with Hammer
    Wood Block (New) New Wood Planks + Tacks with Hammer
    Wood Cabinet (New): Tacks + New Wood Planks + Glue with Hammer
    Wood Cabinet (Old): Old Wood Planks + Glue with Hammer
    Wood Chair (Old): Old Wood Planks + Sticks + Tacks with Hammer
    Wood Chair (New): New Wood Planks + Sticks + Tacks with Hammer
    Wood Lattice: Sticks + Varnish + Tacks with Knife
    Wood Planks (New): Trunk with Saw
    Wood Planks (Old): Trunk with Saw
    Wood Stairs (New): Tacks + New Wood Planks with Hammer
    Wood Stairs (Old) Tacks + Old Wood Planks with Hammer
    Wood Table (Old): Old Wood Planks + Sticks + Tacks with Hammer
    Wood Table (New) New Wood Planks + Sticks + Tacks with Hammer
    Workbench: Iron + Sticks + Trunk + Stone Block
    Wrench: Iron with Hammer



    Yellow Dye: Yellow Flowers/Sun Berries with Mortar and Pestel

  • UU Member, Forum Moderator, Game Moderator
    edited August 2017

    Tacks: Iron with Hammer
    Terracotta Half Block: Terracotta Tile with Chisel
    Terracotta Stairs: Terracotta Tile with Chisel
    Terracotta Tile: Clay Lumps + Iron with Chisel
    Throne: Varnish + Gold + Cloth + New Wood Planks with Hammer
    Toilet: Porcelain + Pipe + Rubber with Wrench
    Torch: Oil + Cloth + Sticks
    Trash Can: Stainless Steel Plate with Steel Hammer


    Up Sign: Trunk + Glue + Charcoal + White Dye


    Varnish: Solvent + Pine Resin


    Warning Sign: Trunk + Glue + Charcoal + Yellow Dye
    Wet Paste: Sand + Charcoal + Pink Coral + Water with Chisel
    Wet Cement: Charcoal + Lava + Water with Chisel
    White Dye: White Flowers with Mortar and Pestel
    White Fence: Trunk + Sticks + Tacks + White Dye with Hammer
    White Lattice: Wood Lattice + White Dye
    Whittled Stick: Sticks with Knife
    Wind Machine: Horizontal Accelorings + Stainless Steel Plates + Pipe + Cloud with Screwdriver
    Wood Block (Old): Old Wood Planks + Tacks with Hammer
    Wood Block (New) New Wood Planks + Tacks with Hammer
    Wood Cabinet (New): Tacks + New Wood Planks + Glue with Hammer
    Wood Cabinet (Old): Old Wood Planks + Glue with Hammer
    Wood Chair (Old): Old Wood Planks + Sticks + Tacks with Hammer
    Wood Chair (New): New Wood Planks + Sticks + Tacks with Hammer
    Wood Lattice: Sticks + Varnish + Tacks with Knife
    Wood Planks (New): Trunk with Saw
    Wood Planks (Old): Trunk with Saw
    Wood Stairs (New): Tacks + New Wood Planks with Hammer
    Wood Stairs (Old) Tacks + Old Wood Planks with Hammer
    Wood Table (Old): Old Wood Planks + Sticks + Tacks with Hammer
    Wood Table (New) New Wood Planks + Sticks + Tacks with Hammer
    Workbench: Iron + Sticks + Trunk + Stone Block
    Wrench: Iron with Hammer



    Yellow Dye: Yellow Flowers/Sun Berries with Mortar and Pestel




    Charcoal: Trunks
    Clouds: Water
    Fairy Jar: Glass
    Ghost Dust: Ghost Gum
    Glass: Sand
    Lava: Stone Block
    Magic Gem (Purple): Purple Magic Dust
    Magic Gem (Red): Red Magic Dust
    Magic Gem (Blue): Blue Magic Dust
    Magic Gem (Yellow): Yellow Magic Dust
    Porcelain: Clay Lump
    Refined Iron: Iron Ore
    Refined Steel: Steel Block
    Vulcanized Rubber: Rubber
    Water: Ice


    Pine Resin: Pine Trunk
    Clay: Mud
    Paper: Tree Trunk
    Ghost Gum: Dead Tree


    Sun Potion: Sun Berries
    Firey Potion: Red Flowers
    Spicy Potion: Chilliberries
    Solvent: Yumberries
  • Nice ;3
  • Mcwolf the SaneMcwolf the Sane BangladeshMember
    This is nice
  • I suggest writing the quantity of items/blocks you need :)
  • UU Member, Forum Moderator, Game Moderator

    I suggest writing the quantity of items/blocks you need :)

    This thread is just to know what items they require, not how much.
  • You forgot night tables ;-;
  • no offense
    but this thread is completely useless
    any former would've seen the link to the recipe page near the wiki rules and support
  • UU Member, Forum Moderator, Game Moderator
    Is that page in alphabetical order? No. Do you have to scroll through this whole tread like you have to do on that page? No.
  • Nerve said:

    Is that page in alphabetical order? No. Do you have to scroll through this whole tread like you have to do on that page? No.

    Well you can't blame the page because the person is too lazy to look for a specific item
  • UU Member, Forum Moderator, Game Moderator

    Nerve said:

    Is that page in alphabetical order? No. Do you have to scroll through this whole tread like you have to do on that page? No.

    Well you can't blame the page because the person is too lazy to look for a specific item
    .... Which is why this thread was created .... And I never blamed the page I just said this is faster ....
  • Nerve said:

    Is that page in alphabetical order? No. Do you have to scroll through this whole tread like you have to do on that page? No.

    You can just search for the item's name or a keyword on your browser, you can even do this on mobile.
  • Nerve said:

    Is that page in alphabetical order? No. Do you have to scroll through this whole tread like you have to do on that page? No.

    On specific browser you can just Ctrl + F and find specific items you want in

  • UU Member, Forum Moderator, Game Moderator
    Wuffy said:

    Nerve said:

    Is that page in alphabetical order? No. Do you have to scroll through this whole tread like you have to do on that page? No.

    On specific browser you can just Ctrl + F and find specific items you want in

    Sadly mobile devices don't have ctrl
  • Nerve said:

    Is that page in alphabetical order? No. Do you have to scroll through this whole tread like you have to do on that page? No.

    Actually recipes in the recipe page are inside jQuery accordions or something like spoiler in forum, but they don't work for some phone, and they are ordered in "which tools (forge, workbench, etc) you need to use" just like the learning center in game.
    But you did a great job for creating one here to help anyone who prefers alphabetical order.
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