Flags Perk Suggestion (REUSED THREAD)

LiberatedLiberated Member
I think just a choice of plain colored flags, like how the surrender flag looks - blank. i.e pink, green, red, orange, blue, black etc. would be a nice thing to be able to purchase.

Another suggestion is for a perk that allows us to buy the flags and every single flag we purchase gets added into our perk list, just like how we have 5 fonts to choose from. We simply go into our perk list and choose one to use a certain day or whatever. This feature will actually need people to level, because the perk itself is not purchasable, but the items that go within it are.

I personally hate that we have to pay 10-20k if we want to change.. I have paid 50k in total on my flags and I hate seeing all that hard work go down the drain. Why can't we keep them? I mean, we did purchase them right? '-'

Eh, leave your thoughts below. :P


  • MoxxiechuMoxxiechu Prolly some ocean (FL.)Member
    edited February 2017
    ah yes, flags in the mono-color like of the pixel blocks?
    I'd love an Olive colored one or something. XD
  • Pixel block colours would be awesome. +1
  • BUMP!
    Added more onto this thread from a while ago, leave your thoughts below.
  • +1
  • ValleyValley Member
    I agree, although flags are like name tags, you make the decision and go down with it, you don't get to store previous names for later if you decide you don't like the new name change.
  • Yep, i love the idea that once a flag is purchased you own it forever n could choose between them!! And at the price they charge really this would encourage folks to purchase flags so more money for the game.
    Win, win for everyone i think!
    Great idea!
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