Hat found with null hat



  • edited January 2017
    Well this thread has devolved into warm hugs and hot cocoa lol. That would be a really neat CC conspiracy if say the Servers secretly had an AI that the developers were unaware of and it chose specific people to give the null to >:)! *puts on tin foil hat* Oh great servers *gets on knees and bows* please bless me with your binary mana *bows again*. Now tomorrow this time in twenty four hours I know I will have a null. Not because I deserve it or am awesome but me and the servers understand each other. *pets servers* You are so hot that they have to turn on the AC to keep you cool.
  • edited January 2017
    The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • AshiMagariAshiMagari The internet :PMember
    I don't understand why it's such a huge debate. If the devs decide to delete it then it's deleted. If they don't, then it's not. The null hat doesn't break the game. It can be a spoiler, sure, but it's not like ppl actually have the new hats before they've been released, they can just see them. Why does it matter where it comes from or where it goes? It doesn't do anything of significance, so why is it so overhyped (or overhated, depending on which side you're on)?
  • Siddd said:

    lucaaa795 said:

    Stevenlol said:

    To be clear... The null is not a bug. It's just something like a secret reward.
    Have you ever seen a bug with a name ? (lol)

    Well it's a bit like becoming mod. A kind of reward to give you the feeling you have some responsibilities / you're usefull.

    Just a way for devs to flatter the players they want to keep in the game.

    It is actually a hat that was not meant to be released, if you check the game files, it's listed as the first hat, top hat is second
    No its listed between the thanksgiving pack items from 2015 actually.
    And to turnip:As steven said,they didnt choosed some peoples.A bug in the code (most probably) made this hat to spawn.
    Really Luca? You believe at this ?

    Just think at who got this ;Only 3 well known players among thousands...
    And as i told you, it doesnt have the behaviour of bug in a code^^

    Just logical... and when you know prog... it just can't be ;)

    If that is true then it's incredibly unfair, we mod's have been working hard for a very long time and have never once been rewarded, so I just don't think that could be true if i'm honest, and if it is, I hang up my mod tag immediately ;)
    That's bonk, because your reward is simply BEING a mod! :D
  • Siddd said:

    lucaaa795 said:

    Stevenlol said:

    To be clear... The null is not a bug. It's just something like a secret reward.
    Have you ever seen a bug with a name ? (lol)

    Well it's a bit like becoming mod. A kind of reward to give you the feeling you have some responsibilities / you're usefull.

    Just a way for devs to flatter the players they want to keep in the game.

    It is actually a hat that was not meant to be released, if you check the game files, it's listed as the first hat, top hat is second
    No its listed between the thanksgiving pack items from 2015 actually.
    And to turnip:As steven said,they didnt choosed some peoples.A bug in the code (most probably) made this hat to spawn.
    Really Luca? You believe at this ?

    Just think at who got this ;Only 3 well known players among thousands...
    And as i told you, it doesnt have the behaviour of bug in a code^^

    Just logical... and when you know prog... it just can't be ;)

    If that is true then it's incredibly unfair, we mod's have been working hard for a very long time and have never once been rewarded, so I just don't think that could be true if i'm honest, and if it is, I hang up my mod tag immediately ;)
    That's bonk, because your reward is simply BEING a mod! :D
    That's not really a reward. Or.. Would you reward someone by making / asking them to "babysit" your children? (That's an example, but that's practicly what mods do)

    But, I don't think Nulls where created on porpuse. As Lucaa said, they were an accident, not planned, NOT meant to exist.
  • In my outsider opinion, making someone a mod is like saying, "Hey, you're unofficially helping and stopping all the bad guys, so why not do it OFFICIALLY instead?"

    But we're digressing. All I know is, I earnestly think the devs could get away with making an honest "Null hat" as a tongue-in-cheek joke.
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