

Everyone has been called a nasty name, been avoided, been excluded from a game etc. once or twice before. It feels horrible right?
But bullying is worse.
Bullying is when someone constantly does this mean stuff weather it's cyber bullying, verbal bullying or physical bullying.
Cyber bullying: Cyber bullying is a form of bullying online. It is when someone constantly calls you names, harasses you for personal details or even worse, blackmailing.
Verbal Bullying: Verbal Bullying is when somebody constantly keeps swearing at you, calling you nasty names, teasing etc.
Physical Bullying: Physical Bullying is when somebody constantly punches you, kicks you or makes any contact with you. (Although this form of bullying can't not be done in CC I thought I would just point it out.

I know that we have a very kind and caring CC community but there will always be some people out there that won't abide by the rules and feel it's right to be mean to others.

If you are being bullied talk to a moderator, administrator, a close friend or even your mum and dad.

People bully other people usually because they are either: jealous of you, have had a tough week/day or they just seek pleasure from doing this act.

The people you should be worried for isn't just the victim but the bullier. Talk to them, ask them why they are doing this and let them know you are there for them because everyone has ups and downs in their life.

But as a whole let's try to keep bullying to a minimum! Thanks for your time.


  • Haha just had an instance of this happen last night. Some kid trying to insult me for being "poor" because of my ingame outfit. My girlfriend and I sat there laughing at his remarks and stuff for a whole half hour. I work as a software developer so I know I am not poor (a bit stingy maybe) but I can imagine because of the nature of this game behavior like this can push a guy over the edge that might come from an unstable home environment. Maybe a few of us should come together and build a parkour realm or something that also teaches people how to deal with cyberbullies.
  • Cyber bullying is not that much of a problem in my opinion. It can easily be solved with blocking the person, or ignoring them. People seem to have forgotten the phrase "Sticks and stones will break my bones but words will never hurt me." Unless you know, someone writes "You suck" on a stone and throws it at you. That's an exception.
  • Cyber bullying is not that much of a problem in my opinion. It can easily be solved with blocking the person, or ignoring them. People seem to have forgotten the phrase "Sticks and stones will break my bones but words will never hurt me." Unless you know, someone writes "You suck" on a stone and throws it at you. That's an exception.

    Words can hurt. Even if you do block the person you do remember what they said.
  • UU Member, Forum Moderator, Game Moderator

    Cyber bullying is not that much of a problem in my opinion. It can easily be solved with blocking the person, or ignoring them. People seem to have forgotten the phrase "Sticks and stones will break my bones but words will never hurt me." Unless you know, someone writes "You suck" on a stone and throws it at you. That's an exception.

    I always heard it as "Stick and stones will break my bones but words can break my heart."
  • Nerve said:

    Cyber bullying is not that much of a problem in my opinion. It can easily be solved with blocking the person, or ignoring them. People seem to have forgotten the phrase "Sticks and stones will break my bones but words will never hurt me." Unless you know, someone writes "You suck" on a stone and throws it at you. That's an exception.

    I always heard it as "Stick and stones will break my bones but words can break my heart."

  • The only way that "bullying" could be worse, is when it is compounded by lying. And the bullies wield lying and manipulation like it were a weapon. Believe me, I've seen that happen. And the results are/were as terrifying as the concept sounds! :O

    So, how can someone like myself work towards smiting this force of evil and terror?
  • I got called a bully for just one fight ;-;
  • BuckaroooBuckarooo Member
    edited January 2017
    This shouldnt be a problem on this game. If you seriously find this a problem then i dont think you should have a phone..
  • There are more types of bullying actually: written and sexual bullying.

    Yes thanks Mad :)
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