Dropping items

Now I don't know if this has been discussed before on here but......Why are people dropping items!!!! In the lobby people sometimes drop items to show what they got, then they lag off. And this happens at other places too. Like, what's the use of dropping them?


  • Bluejay_1 said:

    Now I don't know if this has been discussed before on here but......Why are people dropping items!!!! In the lobby people sometimes drop items to show what they got, then they lag off. And this happens at other places too. Like, what's the use of dropping them?

    No use at all. As you noticed its silly way of showing off what vanity items they poses.
    They are basically gambling with their belongings. I wish that anyone can pick those items, and in matter of days that bad habit would be exterminated :P
  • Bluejay_1 said:

    Now I don't know if this has been discussed before on here but......Why are people dropping items!!!! In the lobby people sometimes drop items to show what they got, then they lag off. And this happens at other places too. Like, what's the use of dropping them?

    Actually, some Qbees use the Lobbies as a form of selling items.

    It sounds a bit dumb, and it is actually. But Lobbies are continuously being filled with Qbees, they come and go, and if they see an item that catches their eye before they head off to their destination, they may offer for it.

    It's a big risk, however. Due to the fact (as you already stated) that their is a chance of lagging off! Thus, losing all of your precious items you were advertising!

    I don't recommend it, but alot of my friends use this method if they have a few items they need to sell quickly, but don't have the Cubits to buy Hollas nor the time to sit in there shop/s and wait for customers.
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