Why have the prices of some stuff come up so much

I have seen people selling pig pet 60k
And PJs 50k
And bunny top hat 35k
Why is everything going up so much


  • Don't ask us, ask the economy.

    Alright, I'll be serious.

    They're higher on demand, that's why. With the prices... I wouldn't be surprised if they get retired...
  • BeIfastBeIfast ChileMember
    The economy in about one day goes up and goes down
  • All my level 49 and level 0 pigs... and you all said they were a bad investment!! Mouahahaha!>:D
    Just kidding xD
    I'm not gonna sell my Pigglesaurians.. ;-;
    Not even for 100k each :(

    Anywho, back to the question. The way I see it is MORE players buy Cubits and up the price and LESS of the items become available for purchase since people buy stuff and quit or hoard and never sell, as I do. :P
    Simple as that. Prices go up when items are less available for purchase. :)
  • If the item is cool and is hard to get (e.g. only halloween pack, etc.) It will go up.

  • I have seen people selling pig pet 60k
    And PJs 50k
    And bunny top hat 35k
    Why is everything going up so much

    Each of these items is unable to be obtained, and the demand is high. High demand, means desperate people, and if you look at it, the desperate run the economy. If you spam enough hollas buying something (something reasonable) then other people will start selling to you, and no one else, so they will have to drop/rise their prices accordingly.
  • People arent price aware :v
  • Think of it as your average roblox item. If an item is limited, it will cost more robux. Due to its popularity. While in cubic castles the motley set, slim egg slime grave and ramm are all doscontinued this adds value to the items. Which people then use to sell to get for cubits to buy more items
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