Fury's Rental Yard

SilentTigerSilentTiger Member
edited January 2017 in Player Events & Creations
Hello FP here also know as fury,

I and some friends have finished the first floor of the rental yard. The 4x4 is 10c for 1 hour and the bigger ones is 100c for 1 hour. As you can see i am working on towards the viewing platform. There are rules to follow, any rules broken will result in a ban. the rules are:
1. Only sell or buy if you rent
2. Use respectful manner to all players
3. No scamming
4. Don't Build inappropriate buildings
5. You can ad only if you rented and is selling there

Come check it out the realm name is "Fury's Rental Yard" Also be sure to get warp food to come back.

Screenshot (3)

As you can see I'm on the viewing platform


Donated by 2 players already
-Hot boy13

Special thanks to them


Also Details on the free and forever rentals I offer are: You are able to get a rent for free and forever if you are active and selling items. If you finish selling please say you are done selling. Also if you aren't active I will take the rental off if you rented


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