Wanna join a WIG clan?

Hi! I am the main owner of the clan Wigs! I get on every day. I am very communive unlike BillyBoo, I will pay attention to nessesary requests and do my best to make those possible. I was also lucky enough to be the person to get their clan clastle on the over world to be called "Clan". There are fun ranking of each wig. The bigger wig you r, the higher rank you are. Lik if you are a ducal wig for example, you would be the highest rank that you are able to achieve. Powdered is for owners and co-owners. But why would you wanna join my clan? I'm not sure... I'm not rich... I'm not known on cubic castles at all... I'm just another clan owner who is thirsty for precious members. Honestly. Oh! And one more thing. If you add me (Im The Sponge) , I will accept. 1- ask me to be in clan 2- meet me there 3- say you joined from forums (if you say this,you will be ranked up automatically) HAVE FUN WITH FREEDOM


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