Inside Stamp: Blocks Disappear over 10 Blocks Tall

Glitch Over 10

So I like to think BIG! But from the looks of it, from whatever limitation, any blocks along the wall that I build which are over 10 blocks tall will just disappear. They still function as if they are there, which makes it extra confusing.

The weird part is that I alt-tabbed to document this bug (I'm playing on a Windows 10 desktop PC), then as soon as I returned to the game, the full wall was rendering as normal. But it acted up long enough for me to capture this picture, so there *is* something going on.


  • Inside stamp- you build a wall around your realm and apply the stamp. When you rotate your camera behind that wall it will disappear, allowing you to view through it. Try bringing your wall in @ block or use a dark stamp
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