Halo Prices

Is it Halo will be the next Krampus ? How much Halo now ?


  • lisklisk Member
    edited July 2016
    I don't know what you're talking about ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
    Halo will become new top hat.
    Sold one for 210k bought for 200k and 260k
  • UU Member, Forum Moderator, Game Moderator
    Krampus are worth 400k while halos are only 100k in my opinoin
  • Swissy DreamerSwissy Dreamer Playing with Asriel,Frisk,And CharaMember
    LEo and X post it at 12:00 - 01:00 pm while dragon post it at 11:29 AM?
  • Lucas The SpiderLucas The Spider U.K, England Member
    Halo will drop. It's just players being "stupid" and trying to raise them but they're losing C because Halo's dropping again
  • Halo will drop. It's just players being "stupid" and trying to raise them but they're losing C because Halo's dropping again

    do you said like this because u dont have a halo ?
  • Swissy DreamerSwissy Dreamer Playing with Asriel,Frisk,And CharaMember

    Halo will drop. It's just players being "stupid" and trying to raise them but they're losing C because Halo's dropping again

    do you said like this because u dont have a halo ?
    He have a halo, but he's talking about the player who's raising up the halo price when they'll go down. Like wasting cubits y'know
  • ThisIsNotSlimThisIsNotSlim Member, Game Moderator
    As I stated 'In-game' the price of halo will most likely go above Krampus as the Halo did not come back just like Krampus and is way more "aesthetically pleasing"(it looks better)

    But it was 75-95k just a couple days ago, it doesn't just go to 200k because some people are desperate for them. There are still many people buying and selling around 100k at the moment. I believe that is the true price of the Halo at the moment. And who knows, it could very well come back next year, just like the Krampus might be back this Christmas ;)

    *note* This is just my opinion and everyone is entitled to their own :)
  • I think halos are about 100-150k, I got desperate and went for 150k (come on, I spent 10 hollas on nothing for 125k). Some coolbies are just greedy sometimes
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