You choose

Hi CC!
I have gotten some reports that the hole in my Trash/Donation realm is a bit hard to put items down or is hard to find. I have decided to change it up a bit. Every couple weeks or so I will change the theme of the realm. Currently the theme is oil fountain. Here is the fun part: you guys get to vote on and suggest ideas for the next/upcoming theme(s).
Check the realm often to see if it has changed.

Here is a voting poll to start it all:


  • I was first
  • OrenjiOrenji Member
    i was second :3
    i voted waterfall >.<
    I have two suggestions
    please have a look at it too
  • Member
    Okie dokie. This discussion/poll is over. Waterfall wins this time. I will post a new poll for the next change of scenery. Thank you for participating. I hope you enjoy(ed) this. Have a great summer.
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