Crafters & Builders

TheTimManTheTimMan In Athena Shy's armsMember
I wanted to see how many Qbee's would be interested if CC were to add fuels to the cubic store.

I craft in Santa's Workshop & it has 32 of each machine so realistically I would love to add like 20k of fuel in each machine so as not to run out while crafting large quantities. My workshop has 32 Forges, 32 Distillers, 32 Extractors, 49 Dedicated worktables, 10 intermediate stations for additional machine work to be done like for example; adding refined iron and charcoal in table then re forging to get refined steele. I don't mind mining oil but find if I could buy it, it would free up my time to mine, craft, & build more so buying is a win/win. The quantity I would like to have is 1,280,000 oil & 640,000 coal so mining or buying from fellow Qbee's would be impossible.

Share you ideas on this so we can get them added soon please.


  • Lucas The SpiderLucas The Spider U.K, England Member
    Actually not that impossible on the coal, everytime I buy coal 10/c via Holla's I get 20-40k+ (I would get more but stop buying)
  • TheTimManTheTimMan In Athena Shy's armsMember

    Actually not that impossible on the coal, everytime I buy coal 10/c via Holla's I get 20-40k+ (I would get more but stop buying)

    Yea impossible is too strong. I have had 200k coal but I keep having to add more fuels so often that I would love to fill & forget them. I don't buy from players because it is too hard to find the quantities I need too often. I love to mine, but mining to supply fuels is tiresome when an alternative to just buy bulks would save my time.
    Now the coal I have also has to be there for crafting too so you see that 640k coal would just be to fill the forges. My remaining supply is to fill the dedicated tables that I can just walk up to and craft any certain item without having to gather supplies and craft individually items. Where my stone is up to 300k, my coal supply suffers at a measly 120k
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