Should I revive the BillyBoo clan?

It’s been many years, since I have seen billyboo and Alexander, the kings of the clan. Alexander was planning on making me the king of the clan. But I was too late in responding before he quit the game. Should I just start a new clan overall, Remembering BillyBoo? He gave his clan members a lot of free stuff, and I don’t know if he was banned or not or moved on with fulfilling his life. Should I make a new clan about him and if so what should the name be?


  • Recreate Billyboo kingdom that clan was goated
  • Good old days, bring it back man!
  • CubicCubic Member
    edited August 2023
    Do it. Are the clan names taken where the L is substituted with the i? E.g. Kingdom of BiilyBoo (but the i is capital).
  • @Cubic That’s a W I might name it that maybe, I was thinking “The Cult of BillyBoo” or “BillyBoo Grand Cult” something edgy like that
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