The Future of Cubic Castles?

AidenPlayzAidenPlayz Member
edited April 2023 in Suggestions & Comments
First let’s talk about Bunnyzilla. I thought last years Bunnyzilla was the worst, however I've been proven wrong. This years Bunnyzilla was just a Qbee exploding Easter 2023 pack items. Wow. Instead of me wasting my time listing off why this was such a trashy event, I'll just give some useful suggestions - keep in mind Bunnyzilla "used" to be the most hyped-up event that got the entire community online to try and get something.

Suggestions: Bunnyzilla exclusive items. Previous years Bunnyzilla would drop valuable stuff that would help Qbees make easy cubits - however now it’s just a complete waste of time and effort. I understand the admins not wanting to drop stuff like PJS, Boogers, Bunny Tophats to not ruin their value, that’s why I'm suggesting Bunnyzilla exclusive items. Just let Bunnyzilla drop items that are exclusive to its character so no complaints can be made. Item ideas consist of: BunnyZilla Mobile (Car), Lil BunnyZilla Pet, Flowery Bunny PJS, Bunny Cloak, Flowery Wings, etc etc. RoboZilla/Slymelord Item ideas: Slyme Tophat, Slyme Bunny Tophat, Slyme Car, Slyme PJS.

These items would re-appear every easter event (and maybe some exclusive to that year) so people cannot argue for its economic value. To add on to this, as the entire community gets online, it would be smart to help the new players by letting BZ drop stuff like Bronze Pigges, Dorkmobiles, Stamps etc.

Now lets talk about the Easter Egg hunt Nightmare.
Round two for the Rainbow Halo - known as the hardest egg hunt in cc history, probably. Many issues popped up during that day, and none were resolved until it was too late.

Firstly, the bumper not working on the most anticipated day of the egg hunt. I understand it is hard to be aware of issues happening on a day-to-day basis, but surely mods have some sort of ability to let the admins know that something is not working? Thankfully, @Sandd already had a discord bot that keeps track of the leaderboard, so majority of the hunters were aware of the egg count during the event.

Secondly, mine hogging. I have no idea what happened, but it seemed like the entire community wanted the halo, badly. So pretty much all the mines were occupied, literally for the entirety of the duration of the event. This caused competition and little arguments (stealing eggs in mines/players not wanting to share mines). However, the main issue was that people were putting alternate accounts in mines so that the mines would not reset (Somehow the accounts in there were not kill-able so we couldn't forcibly kick them out of there). There is a limited number of mines for each biome and forests/desert/arctic are the most efficient to hunt eggs in due to it being pretty flat therefore easy to hunts eggs in, so of course, as people were gatekeeping these mines, it was extremely hard to hunt eggs.

Thirdly, grouping up and paying people to find them eggs. I do not mean to exaggerate, but to get the halo you had to either hunt for roughly 15 hours STRAIGHT or have MULTIPLE people help you. From my experience, I started hunting at 5pm all the way till 5am (pretty much no break), with some help and only managed to get 1040 eggs - 100 eggs away from 100th. There were several players holla'ing paying people to help them find eggs and many of the top players on the leaderboard already had SEVERAL players helping them. I'll let the admins decide if this is how they want the egg hunts to be played out.

Fourthly, cheaters. I know we were told they've been dealt with, however it was too late. The damage had already been dealt. As the cheaters were kept up on the leaderboard, this created unrealistic standards for what was needed to be kept up on the leaderboard. Players were getting 150 eggs in 5 minutes, alts were getting on the leaderboard. The innocent players were affected as they needed to hunt even more due to the cheaters kicking them off the leaderboard. This led to players resorting to paying people to help them find eggs or get several of their friends to help them get back on the leaderboard.

Moving on, let’s talk about the pows.
Initially, I liked the idea of it having a chance to drop wearables, however the items available in the pows were disappointing. It was filled with items made years ago, and items made this year. With how easy it is to craft the pows, the items in the pows became extremely cheap, removing any value they had. It would have been smart to introduce pow-exclusive items this year with low drop rates, mixed in with the items that are already in it to help balance it out. This would have been ideal to make pows have some sort of value.

Shifting away from Easter, let’s talk about Cubic Castles in general. I don't know what sort of commitments the admins are making to the game, but as a player, it feels as if they're doing the bare minimum and calling it quits. Seasonal packs and low effort admin-held events like poop event, egg hunt and fishing events is not enough, nor are they fun. There are several suggestions on here, the main suggestion that intrigues me is some sort of PvE system, dungeons, similar to @Sinister J Raid Mode suggestion. However, I have no idea if the admins will make such commitments.

As seasonal packs are the main aspects to the game, it is no lie to say that pretty much the entire community wants to see rarities back. Packs were fun to open as you had a chance to get rare items that could hold great value. However now that everything has the same rates, packs are essentially meaningless and not worth opening. In addition to having no rarities, a lot of items keep returning, making previous years packs pointless. If we are only getting seasonal pack updates, surely, we can improve the packs rather than making it worse?

Item Quality:
New pets are not being released, quality items that have special effects like PJS, Headlessness, Ghost are no longer being made.
Cherry Blossom Umbrella - Looks like someone sat on it. Fix it please.
Golden Egg Costume - Looks dull, lifeless and horrendous. Re-texture it. People spent several hours hunting eggs each day to get an item that looks very bad, its disrespectful to their efforts.
Item Suggestions: You already have the steppingstone to making unique items, just expand on it.
Cloaks - Cloaks look nice, so why not work around it? Christmas cloaks, Easter Cloaks, Halloween Cloaks etc.
Pants that leave trails behind as you walk - Rainbow Pajamas leaving a rainbow trail behind you as you walk for instance.
Focus on items that interests the community and has demand. Scarves, wings, pets, cars, holdable good looking items like Scythe, Umbrellas, Balloons. There is no point in making these items and just repeatedly throwing it into the pack pool every year (Items like Pumpkin Balloon, Blossom Umbrella, Pink Balloon), it removes its values and gets overlooked.

Admin held events
Seems like the admins only care about Easter, because Halloween and Christmas events are just boring mining events, I mean, seriously? Not to mention fishing events - please abandon that idea, its horrible.

This year’s egg hunt was almost successful, just improve on it. There were nice items to work for this year, such as Rainbow Halo and Easter Scarf. However, some other items were questionable. This could have easily been avoidable. The community would rather work for pets, cars, wings. Not Easter shirts, small un-noticeable backpacks or carrot headphones. QoL features such as a notification in chat letting players know how many eggs are in a realm/mine, increasing radius by 1 or 2 blocks. Adding cubits into the loot pool for top 30 players.

As an OG player, I'd like to see the game grow. However, its just getting worse over the years. Player base dropping, items are no longer interesting, events are bad, repeated building events etc. We are only getting seasonal pack updates, and they're not even interesting anymore. We need new features that would interest the player base. On July 2022, SirK announced that reverse vends was the next main update. Its April 2023, and it is still not released. I know, a feature like reverse vending machine is extremely risky as exploits can pop up anytime, but it's almost been a year to release vending machines. Let's be real, reverse vending machines would not bring back the player base.

Hopefully this post would be looked at and taken into consideration. I'd like to hear the thoughts of the community and the admins themselves. @SirKewberth
Sorry if there are any missing words/spelling errors :P


  • Baku Y. Baku Y. Member
    edited April 2023
    I completely agree with what you said, thus further believe there should be change. Especially about BunnyZilla dropping pack items people don't want. Exclusive Items should come back as rarity should also be introduced back. Packs were way better back in the day.

    I hope @SirKewberth listen to Aiden's idea, as if they got put in perspective slowly but surely the community will return to the old cubic castle so much people enjoyed and adored. Now people don't find that 'fun' anymore, with no exciting new exclusive contents to look forward to including the OG's and the new players.

    Even some would refer to BunnzyZilla as 'FraudZilla' as the items dropped wouldn't meet their 'expectations'. I appreciate the time and effort you put into making BunnyZilla happen but exploding packs with full of decorations and 1 item (can be economically good or bad) is not exciting anymore, as Aiden previously stated we want new exclusive items!

    Hopefully, you hear our plead and change for better of the game's future.
  • I agree with everything Aiden said, but I also have a few more comments.
    BunnyZilla items
    I had high hopes for the BunnyZilla this year and I woke up super excited today. It completely changed when I had waited over 2 hours just to miss a BunnyZilla, and eventually I never met BunnyZilla myself this year. Just like Aiden said, BunnyZilla should have it's own items, but with new items every year. The egg hunt has many cheaters every year, so why have prizes for an egg hunt? Instead let BunnyZilla drop these new items every Easter.
    I think raffles should be brought back. Every month everyone (that was pretty active) would get a item called "Raffle Coin", where they could drop it in the raffle box for a chance to win that month's prize. To prevent alts they could use the same code for Christmas Day Bronze Piggy gifts to determine who will get or not.
    Change story for easter and characters
    I'm not an OG player(I started August of 2020), but even after experiencing 3 years of BunnyZilla/Dr.SlymeGood, I feel like the characters and story are getting so boring now. The admins should create a new story because if you think about it, Cubic Castles has had BunnyZilla and Dr.Slymegood for 9 years now, and change the characters.
    New events
    I think the events are lacking creativity and are the same or a variation of a previous event. Instead make new types of events, such as Team Events, which would make it more fun than the same events every year.
    New position
    Make some people get the new position "Event Hoster", and they're the ones that are willing to volunteer their playing time to make events so that every 2 weeks there'll be a new parkour or whatever type of event with cubits as prizes. This game is boring whenever there is no event.
    Voting for Mods
    Every mod is liked or hated by every person. People having issues with mods had been the case for many years now. They should change this by a new voting system, which also allows new people to become mods. If a lot of people hate a mod then they may not get voted the next year therefore eliminating the mod hate factor. Of course, with this new candidates come every year this allows us to have different mods, not the same every year. Possibly 5 hard dedicated mods can be chosen every year or 2.
    Cubic Castles 10th anniversary
    If they're having some sort of celebration event next year, I'm expecting it to be good. If not I'm gonna be disappointed.
  • Great post Aiden! Love the idea of reoccuring event items.

    This is potentially a hot take - I wonder if the CC updates should not be focusing on improving official events or adding new features. The most recent updates, NPCs and custom textures (from Apr/May 2022) have potential for many player-made creations, but they are not commonly used in realms.

    My suggestion is to improve the existing Cubic Castles features, e.g. the social/friend/clan systems. Foster a game where there are communities that use the creative tools already in the game to hold their own independent events. Remove the need for Clanstones for players to join a Clan (add an option in the menu), make the clan roles' abilities clearer, add a working bulletin board to broadcast upcoming events.

    Imagine Easter adventure events with exploration, custom textures, NPCs, and a story - created by the community. It's possible to do now, but updates that create an incentive to build a CC community without a focus on the economy might be a good starting point for the Cubic Castles' future.
  • ZigmaZigma Member
    u dropped ur mic, here u go @AidenPlayz :p

  • +1, I hope all these points get considered.
  • CubicCubic Member
    edited April 2023
    I agree with all these. Events are one of the main things about Cubic Castles which brings the community together, gets people online and gets people excited. And as shown by Will’s huge giveaway as well as the egg hunt after the 7 billion cubit hat where 200 super rares were added in one go, the devs could easily get away with adding over 5 of each super rare a year and they would still end up rising. And can we not have any more mining or fishing events. They are just boring to do for a long time. Cool events like the golden eggs being added which could redeem super rares were cool. And when Space Fetus used to make an event like every month years ago, that was cool. I understand you probably paid him but cubic castles has a ton of talented builders and event makers and I’m sure you could pay them cubits instead to do it. Or host a contest to make a specific event, and then the winner gets a prize AND their event is featured. Two events in one!

    Adding into the part about the devs doing the minimum, it does give off that. Even small inconsistent things like the first April fools pack item being available for one day and the next being available for 9 days, and still hadn’t been removed.
  • Great post Aiden! Love the idea of reoccuring event items.

    This is potentially a hot take - I wonder if the CC updates should not be focusing on improving official events or adding new features. The most recent updates, NPCs and custom textures (from Apr/May 2022) have potential for many player-made creations, but they are not commonly used in realms.

    My suggestion is to improve the existing Cubic Castles features, e.g. the social/friend/clan systems. Foster a game where there are communities that use the creative tools already in the game to hold their own independent events. Remove the need for Clanstones for players to join a Clan (add an option in the menu), make the clan roles' abilities clearer, add a working bulletin board to broadcast upcoming events.

    Imagine Easter adventure events with exploration, custom textures, NPCs, and a story - created by the community. It's possible to do now, but updates that create an incentive to build a CC community without a focus on the economy might be a good starting point for the Cubic Castles' future.

    Right, with the addition of custom textures and NPCs a lot can be done by the community. However, I feel this update came too late as the player base interested in this sort of thing has already left the community. As you mentioned, not many people use these features and honestly I don't know why.

    I've seen a lot of people ask for clan updates, but I don't see how the current clan system can be improved on significantly to create a spark. Yes, they can make QoL changes for clans, but would it be enough to make the game exciting again?

    Personally I'd like to admins make a official Market Place and other features similar to that to help bond the community better.

    Unfortunately, not working on official events wouldn't be ideal. I don't have the statistics, but Easter updates are probably the most popular updates for CC. Removing or not improving Easter Egg Hunt and Bunnyzilla would do more harm than good.

    I agree with everything Aiden said, but I also have a few more comments.
    BunnyZilla items
    I had high hopes for the BunnyZilla this year and I woke up super excited today. It completely changed when I had waited over 2 hours just to miss a BunnyZilla, and eventually I never met BunnyZilla myself this year. Just like Aiden said, BunnyZilla should have it's own items, but with new items every year. The egg hunt has many cheaters every year, so why have prizes for an egg hunt? Instead let BunnyZilla drop these new items every Easter.
    I think raffles should be brought back. Every month everyone (that was pretty active) would get a item called "Raffle Coin", where they could drop it in the raffle box for a chance to win that month's prize. To prevent alts they could use the same code for Christmas Day Bronze Piggy gifts to determine who will get or not.
    Change story for easter and characters
    I'm not an OG player(I started August of 2020), but even after experiencing 3 years of BunnyZilla/Dr.SlymeGood, I feel like the characters and story are getting so boring now. The admins should create a new story because if you think about it, Cubic Castles has had BunnyZilla and Dr.Slymegood for 9 years now, and change the characters.
    New events
    I think the events are lacking creativity and are the same or a variation of a previous event. Instead make new types of events, such as Team Events, which would make it more fun than the same events every year.
    New position
    Make some people get the new position "Event Hoster", and they're the ones that are willing to volunteer their playing time to make events so that every 2 weeks there'll be a new parkour or whatever type of event with cubits as prizes. This game is boring whenever there is no event.
    Voting for Mods
    Every mod is liked or hated by every person. People having issues with mods had been the case for many years now. They should change this by a new voting system, which also allows new people to become mods. If a lot of people hate a mod then they may not get voted the next year therefore eliminating the mod hate factor. Of course, with this new candidates come every year this allows us to have different mods, not the same every year. Possibly 5 hard dedicated mods can be chosen every year or 2.
    Cubic Castles 10th anniversary
    If they're having some sort of celebration event next year, I'm expecting it to be good. If not I'm gonna be disappointed.

    If they do plan to re-introduce raffles, they need to rework the entire idea. Personally I wasn't a great fan of raffles. Maybe having incentives to players logging in daily rather than adding raffles would be better.

    I don't have any issues with mods, in fact I feel they're the victims with how the game is being managed nowadays. Introducing new mods is hard as if you can't already tell, the game isn't very active, so finding the ideal player to become a mod is hard.

    They attempted to change the Zilla story, however I guess it didn't work out and they just abandoned the idea? I have no idea what happened with the Zilla lore.
    Cubic said:

    I agree with all these. Events are one of the main things about Cubic Castles which brings the community together, gets people online and gets people excited. And as shown by Will’s huge giveaway as well as the egg hunt after the 7 billion cubit hat where 200 super rares were added in one go, the devs could easily get away with adding over 5 of each super rare a year and they would still end up rising. And can we not have any more mining or fishing events. They are just boring to do for a long time. Cool events like the golden eggs being added which could redeem super rares were cool. And when Space Fetus used to make an event like every month years ago, that was cool. I understand you probably paid him but cubic castles has a ton of talented builders and event makers and I’m sure you could pay them cubits instead to do it. Or host a contest to make a specific event, and then the winner gets a prize AND their event is featured. Two events in one!

    Adding into the part about the devs doing the minimum, it does give off that. Even small inconsistent things like the first April fools pack item being available for one day and the next being available for 9 days, and still hadn’t been removed.

    Exactly, the current April Fools speaks volumes.

  • KewbinKewbin Member
    edited April 2023
    As a fellow player and member of the Cubic Castles community, I wholeheartedly agree with the points you've raised in your comprehensive analysis of the current state of the game, particularly the recent Easter event and its shortcomings.

    Your suggestions for improving Bunnyzilla, such as introducing exclusive items and providing better rewards for new players, would indeed bring back the excitement and value that the event once held. Moreover, addressing issues like mine hogging and cheating during the Easter Egg hunt would create a more level playing field and an enjoyable experience for all participants.

    The idea of introducing POW-exclusive items with low drop rates is a brilliant one, as it would maintain the balance between old and new items while also increasing the value of pows. This would encourage players to engage more with the game and feel rewarded for their efforts.

    I also concur with your assessment of the game's overall state and the need for improvements in various areas, such as the return of item rarities, the introduction of unique items, and a focus on more engaging admin-held events. These changes would not only cater to the community's interests but also ensure the game's long-term success.

    Lastly, your call for new features and a quicker release of updates like reverse vending machines is entirely valid. The game needs to continually evolve and grow in order to maintain its player base and attract new players.

    Thank you for voicing your concerns and offering well-thought-out suggestions for improvement. I hope the admins, @SirKewberth in particular, will take these ideas into consideration and work towards making Cubic Castles the thriving and enjoyable game it has the potential to be.
  • SanddSandd Member
    +1 Good ideas, hopefully they can make updates that makes the game good again.
  • Kewbin said:

    As a fellow player and member of the Cubic Castles community, I wholeheartedly agree with the points you've raised in your comprehensive analysis of the current state of the game, particularly the recent Easter event and its shortcomings.

    Your suggestions for improving Bunnyzilla, such as introducing exclusive items and providing better rewards for new players, would indeed bring back the excitement and value that the event once held. Moreover, addressing issues like mine hogging and cheating during the Easter Egg hunt would create a more level playing field and an enjoyable experience for all participants.

    The idea of introducing POW-exclusive items with low drop rates is a brilliant one, as it would maintain the balance between old and new items while also increasing the value of pows. This would encourage players to engage more with the game and feel rewarded for their efforts.

    I also concur with your assessment of the game's overall state and the need for improvements in various areas, such as the return of item rarities, the introduction of unique items, and a focus on more engaging admin-held events. These changes would not only cater to the community's interests but also ensure the game's long-term success.

    Lastly, your call for new features and a quicker release of updates like reverse vending machines is entirely valid. The game needs to continually evolve and grow in order to maintain its player base and attract new players.

    Thank you for voicing your concerns and offering well-thought-out suggestions for improvement. I hope the admins, @SirKewberth in particular, will take these ideas into consideration and work towards making Cubic Castles the thriving and enjoyable game it has the potential to be.

    This sounds like chatgpt wrote this 💀
  • ElicElic Member
    All ideas are very good.
  • We dont need bunnyzilla exclusives just actual hats, rares and super rares being dropped would be enough honestly

    last few years we just got crappy deco that gets chucked straight out of our inventory
  • +1
  • All very good suggestions! Thank you for recognizing my raid mode suggestion and bringing light to it.

    I feel like the devs need to shift more focus away from seasonal things and work on the core game. The events do not last forever and are often grindy. If they spent more time reworking the core game people would not quit as often.

    As for bunnyzilla aka fraudzilla it was a complete waste of time. He did not drop one rare or memorable item, I 100% agree there should be Zilla exclusive items instead of just a walking pow machine.

    As for wearables, there is 0 reason why they don't make unique items anymore.. it's not hard to make a fire or any effects.... And this is coming from someone who makes particle fx for Roblox games, it's not hard at all especially with this game

    The devs should add more mascots, example: business Zilla, drops vends, Halloween zilla that drops items a Santa Zilla or krampus Zilla that drops Christmas items, rich Zilla, drops cubits

    I hope @SirKewberth takes these into consideration
  • I totally agree with you I think they should have more events to keep the event more active.
    You are an OG cc player. ❤
  • +1, these ideas are great overall and I would like to see them for the future of CC!
  • +1
  • +1 I agree with everything said here, but i think the pows were the worst part of this easter...
  • Kewbin said:

    As a fellow player and member of the Cubic Castles community, I wholeheartedly agree with the points you've raised in your comprehensive analysis of the current state of the game, particularly the recent Easter event and its shortcomings.

    Your suggestions for improving Bunnyzilla, such as introducing exclusive items and providing better rewards for new players, would indeed bring back the excitement and value that the event once held. Moreover, addressing issues like mine hogging and cheating during the Easter Egg hunt would create a more level playing field and an enjoyable experience for all participants.

    The idea of introducing POW-exclusive items with low drop rates is a brilliant one, as it would maintain the balance between old and new items while also increasing the value of pows. This would encourage players to engage more with the game and feel rewarded for their efforts.

    I also concur with your assessment of the game's overall state and the need for improvements in various areas, such as the return of item rarities, the introduction of unique items, and a focus on more engaging admin-held events. These changes would not only cater to the community's interests but also ensure the game's long-term success.

    Lastly, your call for new features and a quicker release of updates like reverse vending machines is entirely valid. The game needs to continually evolve and grow in order to maintain its player base and attract new players.

    Thank you for voicing your concerns and offering well-thought-out suggestions for improvement. I hope the admins, @SirKewberth in particular, will take these ideas into consideration and work towards making Cubic Castles the thriving and enjoyable game it has the potential to be.

    chat gpt..
  • +3000 yes. 👍
  • TobyXTobyX Member
    I agree with you Aiden in 100%! I think Cubic Castles' Devs should really seriously thinking about that and make this really important changes. +1
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