
I wanted to suggest a huge idea @SirKewberth .
Sorry for the ping but, yes, the Qbees of this game have trust issues because of scammers. I've been friends with people for over a year and some for many years. When I want to try out a wearable, they still can't trust me, and it makes myself frustrated.
That's where I come to a new way of borrowing, renting. Renting requires a member to do /rent (for renting up to two items) or use a Rent Register (for renting up to four items). You can also rent an item with cubits. When the rent trade bar pops up for both players, each player has to select the same amount of time for the rent to be accepted. Anything can be rented, but the rented items cannot be dropped and will only stay in your inventory. The rented item will automatically go back to the original owner's inventory once the timer ends.
Renting is a way to stop trust issues, and also to create new ways of trading or making money.
Thank you


  • an driodan driod Member
    edited November 2022
    +1 sounds like a good idea.
  • +1 Good Idea!
  • +1 renting is interesting, but it would need something like a binding enchantment like in minecraft, but it can't leave your inv or your outfit area. People will try to find a way to glitch through this though, which isn't always fun.
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