Cubic Castles Trains

HelloCityHelloCity Member
edited April 2023 in Suggestions & Comments
Trains, big metal beasts that ride along the rails. Now for quite some time I have been wondering what it would be like if Cubic Castles had Steam locomotives. So what I have here today is some concept art that I have made to show what trains could look like if to be ever added into the game, .

Now along with these trains I do have another idea, so we have portals that are 3 x 3 blocks is size, so why not a different type of portal called “Tunnel” which is 5 by 7 blocks in size and trains can drive through them, of course if this were to come out there are some other things that would probably be needed for instance:

Train Tracks.
Train keys or something along those lines.

And you may ask what they would be for, well my idea is kinda like cars, to transport players around and such, but maybe with the addition of like specific train cars it could be a giant mobile storage system, but that's just an idea - This idea of what the steam locomotives uses could be was inspired by Cubic Pencils Question :)

But hey, that's just my idea on what if Cubic Castles Had trains, will it be true and be in game I have no idea. Anyways have a good day, HelloCity Out.


  • Trains sound cool but what would the train be for? Taking visitors around your realm on a track or a car that you can drive? Either way it sounds cool, but we don't have access to that document. It's not set to public.
  • Trains sound cool but what would the train be for? Taking visitors around your realm on a track or a car that you can drive? Either way it sounds cool, but we don't have access to that document. It's not set to public.

    Oh my bad my bad
  • ok hopefully I fixed it
  • I love the idea of trains!
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