For next years Easter event!!!

Sir Kewberth I understand that this years Easter egg hunt, but it may be a little unfair for newbies and other qbees.
People that on the leader board are on both because you find almost the same amount of either eggs no matter what realm you go to.
If you are doing a similar Easter event next year you should make it where certain mine realms have certain eggs that you can find, that way it is harder to to be on both leader board because you will be focused keeping your placement on one. This can also be good because that will give people more opportunity to be on one of the leader boards.
I think a few people can disagree with me on this because they like how you can be on both leader boards so easily yet all the people that are not on the leader board think different.


  • Fair
  • I dont really see why this is unfair for newbies, the only advantage high level has is the speed demon perk and thats really it. if a newbie knows how to find eggs on scanning the mine that's good, if he would really grind it the starters can be both leaderboard aswell. and Im seeing that the egghunt is always about consistency. cause people would get bored in hunting so its up to you if you want to clutch up in last minute to be on leaderboard
  • maxrein said:

    I dont really see why this is unfair for newbies, the only advantage high level has is the speed demon perk and thats really it. if a newbie knows how to find eggs on scanning the mine that's good, if he would really grind it the starters can be both leaderboard aswell. and Im seeing that the egghunt is always about consistency. cause people would get bored in hunting so its up to you if you want to clutch up in last minute to be on leaderboard

    I am saying this not just for newbies but when you collect eggs you get nearly the same. Like me for example have almost the same amount of both eggs and that puts you on both of the leader boards. I am saying so that their are more people that can get stuff not just the same 100 people on both leader boards.
  • Lucas The SpiderLucas The Spider U.K, England Member
    Or you can stop being lazy and go hunt eggs :)

    If you ain't on the top 100 you're lazy, I don't care if you work, studying or whatever. I've collected 20 eggs since Sunday night and I'm still top 100, I work, I don't play all day. I've spent maybe 10 hours in 5 days collecting eggs.
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