My Opinion About Custom Textures Update

So the new update is here, we are able to make up to 16 different customizable blocks per realm. That's great! Now on paper it sounds like an amazing idea, if done correctly it really might work! Just think, all the custom blocks you could make.

Or not.

After seeing how bare bones it was, I felt like I did not want to use it.
The canvas is terrible. The tool to make textures is worse than when I first used Microsoft Paint.
I'm sorry, but let's talk about the UI tools:
  1. You have a color slider to mix the RGB colors, but no way to get the #color number? Why? Color palette is an important tool when it comes to texture / sprite / tile set design.
  2. You have a bucket Icon to fill your canvas with the color selected. Why? We all learned that a bucket tool fills closed areas or fills the same color for another one.
  3. You have no eraser, which honestly fine, most of the time I don't even I use it because an UNDO button exists. But not here. Why? I don't need to say how much this feature has made so many mistakes forgetful, but in the canvas you have to re-do whatever you messed up.
  4. You have 1 single size brush, that looks like the graffiti tool from MC paint. In my opinion, it's too big for the canvas size. It's like when you had no brush at school, and they just give u bad brush to make a decent work.
  5. You have the pencil tool or pen or what I like to call my favorite Pixel maker tool, puts 1 single pixel of the color selected. My problem with pixel art in this case is that there's no grid. The pencil does not even show where it's going to land, combine this without undo, and you get annoyed very easily.
  6. There's no way to copy and paste anything. You cannot copy your Custom1 designed texture to the Custom2, you have to do that exact same texture again on your own, even if all you wanted to do was a color change.
  7. Cryptic to find information on how the feature works, some of it is written on the question mark in the items shop, however I did not see how I could even craft the blocks. I even thought I had to submit my canvas just to see how they looked. A link is shown for more info, and you can't even click on it. It's not even in your website... I had to manually type the URL. If it was there, my bad, but I did not see anything.
  8. While using it, It kept showing me that auto click test pop up. I'm only using your feature has intended.
  9. This isn't exactly a bad thing, just a nitpick of mine that you can have 16 custom blocks but only 15 chest slots.
The canvas size is 64 x 64, and it reminded me of 64 - 32 - 16 - 8 bits, which gave me an idea of the things we could make, the size is rather nice and perfect for textures. A lot of older games (and even indie ones) have sprites sheets, and you could easily make some blocks like that. However, copyrighted material is a big issue. You could easily just try and make other game tiles and textures blocks in cubic castles and I think it's pretty neat to see them, but you can't do that. And the fact that moderators are in charge to check the textures doesn't help. A moderator is a person that only knows what they have seen, players can find all sorts of things and easily copy them into the game without them noticing. You can even copy another creator's take on sprites / tiles without even crediting them.

When I first heard about this idea, my first concern was the inappropriate things players would make. Turns out that's not even an issue at all, easily handled, that's great!

I'm aware that this is only a small feature for the game, but creating custom textures is not worth the effort with the tools provided. If you didn't want your player base to do anything copyrighted or inappropriate, then why not just have pre-made textures that you could color and mash other ones together for different results? Instead, we have very cheap tools that can barely be used and still have to deal with the copyrights and inappropriate stuff.

If you are good creating tiles / textures with pixels, then you can probably get away with it, but it will still be painful to do it. I'm not trying to be mean, I'm just speaking my opinion from my head and my heart.
I appreciate the gesture and the effort put in it, but for me this isn't good enough... It has potential, but it is not finished, at least not to me.

Please feel free to tell me your own opinions on this update, I would like to read them.
Thanks, Have a good day. (Apologies if some stuff is not well written, it's almost 5am)


  • SirKewberthSirKewberth EdenForum Administrator, Forum Moderator, Game Developer
    I realize the paint tools are very bare bones, and if you're used to using fancy paint apps it's going to be a struggle. None of your complaints or desires for better tools are wrong. I agree with almost all of it. (aside maybe from the copyright issues, eraser, and mashing idea)

    But, they can be improved going forward! A lot depends on how much people want to actually use this stuff. We don't even know with a new feature like this before we release it how much people will want to use it. Writing a fancier paint interface is a big job and this is only one small part of a larger game. So if it's a really popular feature that's still being used when it's not brand new we'll certainly look to improve the tools and maybe even look to provide an easy way to bring textures in from other paint programs like photoshop etc... if you're on the steam version. Not sure on that last one but it was a thought.
  • Could there be an in game announcement to the link explaining the custom blocks, because I see a lot of players are confused about it.
  • i would also like to see an undo, and redo button, but i think after some polishing it will be a really great feature
  • RolimRolim Member
    edited April 2022
    Alright to be fair I barely pointed out any good points so here's some:
    1. The canvas doesn't reset after you leave. You can easily just stop and continue later when you have patience again. And I wanna renforce this one again because it's honestly surprising to me that it can keep your progress saved without submiting so props on that!
    2. All the tools worked and did not crash the game.
    3. Very basic and simple to use.
    4. This feature could / possibly will help with the "lack of blocks" in game, since players can just create their own. Even if they only wanted a certain colored block they can make it now.
    And sadly I cannot think of more besides of the stuff I already said on top...

    I thought this was a finished product since it's been delayed a couple of times. Well, It is a finished "basic product" then? Early Access?
    I don't see why going through all the trouble of coding all of this to make it basic to see if players will stick with it and see if it is worth improving or not...
    In my perspective, if you gave me a basic / barebones product after announcing it, I would be disapointed that I have to work with it. So why would I even use it? Doesn't that mean that players will not bother with it because it lacks some features? And if it's not being used leads to being forgotten and meaning that doesn't need to be improved since players don't use it? And if the players did struggle using it and eventually gets updated for the best, did they need to do all that just to get the product they expected in the first place?

    And what about copyrighted material? How's that being handled then? Are we allowed to make other game's blocks or not? I'm aware you can make something similar to it but not exactly the same, does that go for the color as well?

    Here's a little test I made last night I took some pictures that I forgot to upload yesterday, it's not perfect but making that was a bit more annoying than what I wanted...
    I looked up a sprite sheet of Mario Bros 3 to try make one of their blocks. I just eyeballed it instead.
  • SirKewberthSirKewberth EdenForum Administrator, Forum Moderator, Game Developer
    Well ideally don't copy stuff from other games. Use it to be artistic. But I think a certain amount of leniency will exist for "fan art" so long as it doesn't get too egregious. It's feels like a bit of a grey line. I don't think there's any completely solid answer that covers every possible case.
  • I agree with basically all of your points. I was a little disappointed to see that we cannot undo errors, which can get very frustrating. The ability to draw straight lines and shapes plus allowing us to fill in portions instead of the entire block would help tremendously.

    But besides those, I'm loving it so far! Thank you SirKewberth! I would say that once you finish any scheduled events and projects, you should come back to textures and improve it a little. I would love to see improvements.
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