Realm/Room Sizes

Hi there - I'm sure many artists and builders have suggested this but I want to suggest it as well since nothing like this has been added.

I've been wanting to create a huge build, I guess to showcase but maybe turn it into an adventure to add some sort of mystery and more fun to the game. The room and realms sizes that can be bought in the cubit store is fine I guess but if there were a 200x200 or even more, I think it would be so fun to build a world where people can just explore and take inspiration from my builds and art. So my suggestion is to add rooms and realms but with more space such as the 200x200 or 300x300. It expands so much for artists and builders, we can do so much more in one room instead of buying 2 rooms where we have to travel and it kinda separates the build, it's kind of upsetting in a way where I and many others run out of space because our creativity and imagination runs wild and we just want to build and create so much. It would be awesome!!!


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