More suggestions!

CrystalliseCrystallise Member
edited May 2016 in Suggestions & Comments
Critters like cows, Sheeps, pigs, chicken and more! You can use the wands to kill them for meat, wool, and others. You can use the things they drop to make new recipes like food and more!

Food mods:
When you eat a certain type of food, you will gain a temporary mod that boosts your movement, mining speed, and others!

Basically some animals or monsters that you can ride on to increase movement speed

More types of jewels!
There can be topaz, opal, sapphire, amethyst, and a lot more jewels to make the game look much more fancier than with only 3 jewels

Rare drops:
Basically rare items that drop out of a certain block. Can be used as a decoration purpose or making new items.
E.g Bones ---> rarely drops a animal skull

Uses worms that are occasionally dropped from dirt. Various types of fish can be caught and be put into your own aquarium/pond/river.

(Will add more suggestions)
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