Cubic Emotions

Cubic Emotions
So, this is a random thing I thought of, so
When your Cubic is happy. It will keep making a happy face. When you do the :) or :D you do a jump like the bunny pjs but with your hands out :o
When you sit, you'll be like your patient or waiting. If you die, you will close yours eyes and smile while doing the TOTALLY NOT LEGEND OF ZELDA antimation (ps if you heal someone, they get happier and u do also)
So then, if you kill someone with a wand or a place a slyme and it kills someone or place anything that kills someone, your qbee will kinda get a little shade in its eye and look crazy. And will walk around wierdly.
When it sits when crazy, it will be winking. When you die, your face will go blank. (You will be insane if you say bleep)
If your player gets sad from seeing players dies from other things, or when they die, or when they get hurt by a harm wand.
And when you die, a tear drops. If you are SUPER sad, like 100% sad, you will be walking around covering your face crying


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