Farming Suggestion

Since farming is really a hard working job, we really need to plant seeds, water them and then harvest them isn't it? Well, since we are already in a high tech generation, wherein there are already machineries that allows people to plant seeds fast. We all know that most of the players are too happy in harvesting crops but too lazy in planting seeds because we all know that we can't avoid from skipping one farm soil. NOT all BUT some.

For it to make farming still alive until the end, I would suggest that tractor should be innovated in the way that it allows you to plants seeds while harvesting crops or add another tractor which allows you to plants seeds.

How Does it Works?

First thing is that, we should purchase seeds first and then place it on the top most layer in the inventory then it will be automatically planted in the soils while driving upon the soils.

@SirKewberth @CosmicCow


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