Innovative Ideas Part = 1/10

NubisvaldoNubisvaldo Member
edited June 2019 in Suggestions & Comments
I would like to give some ideas about Cubic, we know how difficult it is to program to do what I'm going to say, but I leave one idea there in mind.
The first idea is of a machine almost equal to that of a dehydrated bucket only, that it would work with earth, say, you would have to land on it in one side, and the other fuel, so the machine would wash the earth and some lands would have chance of dropping gold and silver ore, iron and charcoal, would soon have an NPC to sell fuel to the machine, then someone might say, 'But the grace is to mine,' you would continue mining normally, and this machine would work with level, compacting it was going to get faster and faster, say I put 10,000 land to wash, so the lands would take about 15 hours to wash or 12, like a dredge mining gold (dredge = machine used to pull tailings from the bed of the and to look for gold), then still people would have to mine, put the machines would give ore, but not at the same instant, the machine would work water and fuel or some innovative energy system I was going with batteries! I would like you to at least read my idea, thank you, have a nice day!

Gostaria de dar umas ideias sobre o Cubic, sabemos o quão é difícil programar para fazer oque eu vou falar mas deixo uma ideia ai em mente.
A primeira ideia é de uma maquina quase igual a de cubo desidratado só que , ela iria trabalhar com terra , digamos que , você teria que por terra nela em um lado , e do outro combustível, assim a maquina lavaria a terra e algumas terras teriam chance de dropar minérios tipo ouro pedra prata ferro e carvão, logo teria um NPC para vender combustível para a maquina , ai alguém pode falar ''Mas a graça ta em minerar'' você iria continuar minerando normalmente , e essa maquina funcionaria com sistema de nível , compactando ela era iria ficando cada vez mais rápida , digamos que eu coloque 10.000 terras para lavar, logo as terras demorariam cerca de 15 horas para lavar ou 12, como uma draga minerando ouro (draga = maquina usada para puxar rejeitos do leito do rio e procurar ouro), logo ainda assim as pessoas teriam que minerar, pôs as maquinas dariam minério, só que não no mesmo instante, a maquina funcionaria a base de água e combustível ou algum sistema inovador de energia com baterias!. Gostaria que chegassem a pelo menos ler a minha ideia, obrigado tenham um bom dia!


  • scorto7scorto7 BelgiumRetired Moderator
    Can you translate this to english(everything else is in english so why don't you try it)
  • scorto7 said:

    Can you translate this to english(everything else is in english so why don't you try it)

    Sorry for the lack of attention, it is because Google translates a few words and ends up leaving unnoticed!
  • scorto7 said:

    Can you translate this to english(everything else is in english so why don't you try it)

    you should tell that to Dominic as well
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