Ummm my cat pet.... :/

Sooo.. I have cat pet lvl 49 I lvl upped to lvl 50 BUT when I place my cat in kennel He becomes lvl 49 again :/ and not long ago I just was in someone's realm and my cat become lvl 49 HOW?! My cat didn't dead bc he was flying :/ can someone explain this?
And if this have to be like this PLEASE CHANGE IT GEEZ IM TIRED TO GET FOOD FOR MY CAT I DONT WANT TO SPEND MY C ANYMORE!!! Ty *^^* bc that's annoying I love how my cat is flying BUT NO ITS BECOMES LVL 49 ALL THE TIME UGH *^^*
Help meh


  • elemental godelemental god The netherlandsMember
    The max level for any pet without drawbacks is 49
    It can only become lvl 50 by feeding it and leveling a few blocks
    A lvl 50 pet goes back to 49 if you:
    -die (the pet cant die on lvl 50 but if you die it goes to 49)
    -if you go trough a portal (dunno why... but this only counts if both portals are in the same realm/room, so does the portal bring you to another realm/room it stays at 50)
    -when you break the kennel or put the pet back in it
    Its maybe annoying but theres no different way to keep it at lvl 50 than avoiding these things
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