Full Watering Can Bug?

*Joystick**Joystick* Member
edited August 2017 in Bug Reports
CosmicCow restarted the servers to avoid stackable watering cans. Apparently it has been fixed...
But I just crafted 12 watering cans and 2 of them shows 30 water...

Then, I relogged, so they returned into materials.
But a watering can show 0 water for a full watering can... I tried to craft this with water but it didn't show 10... I tried relogging again but this watering can is still showing 0...

Is that fixed ? or is that a visual bug? @CosmicCow @SirKewberth


  • UU Member, Forum Moderator, Game Moderator
    Taken today
  •  gdog gdog Retired Moderator
    edited August 2017
    This is intended.
    Watering cans are only meant to be filled up top 10.
    As far as I'm aware you can only get a max of 30 but if you do that and leave realm/relog then itll get broken down into the raw materials. Cosmic will be addressing it before the farm update drops.

    @Nerve Is it still possible to craft a 20k watering can currently? If so how.

    The 0 but full watering can may need to be looked at.

    Remember the farm update isn't out yet.
    All of this will most likely be addressed before it comes out.
  • @Gollum @Gollum @Cortana

    Can you close this please? This issue will be fixed soon.
This discussion has been closed.