Newbie's Guide to CC

Cubic Castles can sometimes be tough, here are some instructions, its your path to greatness


CUBITS are the currency of the game, there are maultiple ways to earn them!

•Tapjoy Offers
•Doing daily tasks


TAPJOY OFFERS are basically tasks such as watching ads, playing games and trying out movies. They can give you up to 20,000 cubits!
They are only available on mobile though, and take a lot of time to complete.


SELLING is the most common way to make cubits. Its very simple. Buy things cheap (not too cheap), and sell them higher (not too high)
Thats called profit. Always buy items that you think will be great help for your shop, and since sometimes you're not online, you can hire trusty friends to be there when you're not online. If you dont trust anybody really, vends are the thing, just put things in the glass and set the price up, and wait!


MINING is the ability to destroy/remove blocks and gain experience from them. Each 20 blocks will give 1 cubit. It is so far the longest way to make cubits!


DAILY TASKS are small tasks made to boost your energy, and motivate you. They give 50 cubits when done.


LEVELING UP is when the amountof experience required for you to mount to the next level is fulfilled. When leveling up, you get a sweet perk, a new ability that will help you in the game.


LEVELING UP is easy, but as you progress it gets harder

Here are the ways to level up:

-Doing quests


QUESTS are rare tasks that are usually long and hard to do, and give out so much experience! From 500 to 2500!
At a certain moment, no more quests show up and its all over. Luckily, you can buy the Quest Pack, better, harder, tougher quests for you to tackle!


BUILDING is the ability to take recently mined blocks and rebuild them in places where PERMISSION is allowed. PERMISSION is a term used to describe the owner's agreement to let a player BUILD and MINE in their realm, but, lets get back, shall we? BUILDING can give one experience! Very easily and very effectively.


MINING doesnt just give cubits, but it gives experience!


CRAFTING is the method to combine materials and blocks together in an ANVIL or a WORKBENCH to get a new material or block. It gives experience, of course!


  • I thhhhhhhhhiiiiiiinnnnnk many people knows that joining the forums ?idk
  • LiteRary said:

    Many newbies knows it but anyway useful.

    Its also for peeps who havent played for a long time... I had to look up everything I crafted.. after my 1 year break...
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