Ball pack and teams

edited August 2017 in Suggestions & Comments
Have you noticed all thw fun everyone is having with the new beach balls?
Where will we be able to buy these balls after summer is over?
I suggest a ball pack. 10 palls for xprice. These balls will come in random colours just like the pixel packs. Different colour balls could help in team sports.

I would also like to suggest a team bumper. When the realm owner bumps it, they can pick how many teams they would like and who can play, the people will be sorted into teams and teleported to the bumper or a team block ( A block that acts like a checkpoint but in a team's colour. If there are multiple team blocks in the same realm then the players will be teleported to a random one each)
The teams could be a hidden name with a colour dot floating above the qbee's head.
What could this be useful for?
Official cc events
Clan events
Entertainment games
Team pvp

New- ball limit / no balls block. Limits who can place balls in the realm such as owner only, trusteds only, anyone.


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