
1. Ever notice the inane things people say in Hollas? Can you please put a time limit on Hollas, say one holla every ten minutes, so people don't argue and say stupid things over and over? I try not to read them, but the box opens up every time a new Holla is posted. It's so annoying!
2. Can we have more colors of sofas or the ability to dye them?
3. Can you make it so castle decay is based on level rather than building? I want to build a mall, but what is the point if people can't get to it when I am off line? Here's an example of how you could do this. Levels 1-10 would decay after quitting the session. Levels 11-20 would decay after 24 hours. Levels 21-30 would decay after 48 hours. Levels 31-40 would decay after 72 hours. Levels 41-50 would decay after 96 hours. Levels 51-60 would decay after one week.

Thank you.

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