A tricky scam

Ok so this guy shows up at my realm with a portal asking if he can place I said sure went to a far corner where he would never have time to mine anything good right when he placed it a flash went off of course it didn't cross my mine so I took his perm off and was going to find a place for his portal then I noticed there's a bottom how's there a bottom with a bottomless stamp and I was like hey you stole my stamp give it back and it's like my favourite stamp and he says ok give me perm back I'll place it I say ok cuz I want it back he put my stamp back thank god and then asked for his portal back I said no if you want it back so badly you can get a mod to pick it up for you of course he hasn't done that yet so he's going around scamming in a tricky way so it's always good to have a room just for stuff like that I did have one I used for that until I got my 99x99 realm it would have been 100x100 but I forgot about the custom size I was just to excited anyway don't trust random peeps is the moral of this story good thing he had a heart though and other people have came to me saying this guy sacammes them also


  • QbirdQbird Member
    A friend of mine got his first scam from a portal , yep .
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