Regarding the Drama~

Recently, several players have been banned for not following rules correctly and even more have been quitting after being either involved in drama or just sick of all the drama. Every time I log into the forums, I cross my fingers and hope that one of my close friends wasn't banned.

So please, let's stop this. If someone is intentionally trying to start a fight with you, or making fun of you, just PM it to a moderator and don't reply back. Don't post it in a public thread, because then the person who had committed the act will just come and start drama on the thread/activity post... I know there's a shortage of moderators, but some of them have university finals, and at this time CC can obviously not be their first priority.

All in all, I'm not forcing you to do this, I'm asking you. We need to stay strong together and ignore those who are starting this before more of us are banned.


  • But hey! It's that person who start first, Why should I just endure it huh? And well it'll be him/her getting banned not me, so like I care of that...
  • But hey! It's that person who start first, Why should I just endure it huh? And well it'll be him/her getting banned not me, so like I care of that...

    That mindset will only get more of us banned... just ignore them and they'll stop because nobody will be giving them attention.
  • I missed it all :(
  • Yes King you massed the nuclear fallout of 30th of June 2017 and I sold all the souvenirs. I just want to be able to openly talk and express ideas without feeling like I am going to have people brandishing whips after me. <3 I want love, I want hugs, and I WANT COOKIES (FYI NOT SHARING).
  • good king ;-;
  • AshiMagariAshiMagari The internet :PMember
    It was a good thing to miss tbh. I was there for most of it and all it gave me was anxiety, and I wasn't even in the forefront lol.
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