Beta Blocks from Cubic Castles

Blocks like this, I wondered why Cosmic Cow removed. Because that chair that kewberth is sitting on could potentially be used for something like... forsay a beach chair. It always kinda confused me when game devs did that. When, they had things that were good in the game, but then removed it for some reason.


  • smuressmures Member
    I'm going to bet (since I wasn't around at that time) that the chair looked like that before but the changed it to three diff types of chairs. It didn't disappear, just evolved o3o

    You CHAIR is evolving! *cue cool evolving music in background*
  • SeiichiSeiichi Anime WorldMember
    Is it on the beta server tihink
  • They usually don't just remove a block from the game to move it to beta SirKewberth would have bought it off of many players for like 60k maybe but that didnt happen they just changed to one of the sofas I believe
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