Craftable Registers

Why make registers craftable? It's cool and all, but all the thousands of cubits players have spent just became worthless today. Could it possibly have anything to do with scamming among newer players?


  • edited June 2016
    What do you mean , can you make your question be more specific?
  • They made it craftable so new players wont have any reason to NOT use it.
  • TheTimManTheTimMan In Athena Shy's armsMember
    I have made 750 registers and Athena Shy & I have given out 50. We will give out 50 every few hours as a thank you to CC for making this possible. Registers are so vital to our safety that we want them to be available to all regardless if the player has the perks to craft them or not. Please don't try to grab more than you need and resell them as you will be taking away from someone who really needs them in the process.
  • But isn't kind of unfair to all of us who have spent thousands of cubits on these registers, but now have to see the price drop so drastically? Personally, I'm pretty poor in this game, so 1000c is a gold mine to me. It's just so annoying to lose all this money with no compensation
  • @Lucaaa795 Yeah, I know, but very few of us actually play everyday, and I didn't have a chance to sell any of mine. It would have been a lot better if they came up with a new block instead (with the same function) and made that craftable. That way, the price wouldn't drop *completely*
  • YakrooYakroo Somewhere In The Milky WayMember
    Making A New Block That Has The Same Function Of Another Block Is Completely Redundant And Pointless.
  • @Yakroo I never said it was about the function... I'm not that stupid. It's about the look. If they could make a new workbench with a Christmas theme (which has the same function), then they can do this.
  • SirKewberthSirKewberth EdenForum Administrator, Forum Moderator, Game Developer
    Why we charge for some things and not for others is a factor of may considerations. Things like...

    - How new is the feature?
    - Does charging reduce abuse? (for instance the cost of hollas dissuades waste/spam)
    - Is the feature purely cosmetic or a basic requirement to play the game?
    - Does providing the feature cost us? require more server power / disk space etc?

    In general as a rough guide, we'd like to lean chargeable items towards newer items/features as well as cosmetic items. These sales support the development of the game.

    In the case of the cash register it's a basic feature to be able to trade safely with other players so we felt that in order to encourage new players, and not charge for basic gameplay, it should be craftable. It was actually on the list to be made craftable eventually, but a recent player suggestion made us push the timeline for a recipe forward.

    In general any item currently in the store may one day become craftable. We can't guarantee an item will never go down in price. We will almost certainly make more store items craftable in the future. So if you're buying something from the cubit store, you need to decide if it's worth that many cubits to you today. I know some players buy items with the hopes they'll go up in price later and they can re-sell them, and often that's true but there's no guarantee.
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