more mods

ye more mods thats all


  • Hopefully the helper tag will help with this.
  • The Helper role was definitely a good idea, there are already a good amount of on/off mods. We don't need a lot of people with mod powers, but I think trusted players with muting abilities was a smart decision.
  • WhimsicalFireflyWhimsicalFirefly Member, Forum Moderator, Game Moderator
    Most problems (account problems, scams, harassment, etc) have to be handled by support. Unless a mod just happens to be right there and clearly see a scam happen, there isn't much they can do. And even when they do see things happen, they can only ban for a few days. If you want to try to recover items or cubits from a scam or want to see bigger punishment for the scammer then you have to contact support anyway. So we don't really need more mods. It wouldn't change anything.
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