C.C SHOPPING CARTS!!!!!!!!(and more)

Ever imagine C.C having shopping carts well now you can just think about it instead of vends which don't get me wrong they are awesome but they could use a little update. now i drew some drawings of what they could look like below yeah they aren't good or perfect but i bet if cc dose this idea they would look much better. So the shopping carts would be in a lot and their would be a button on top of the shopping cart that says use you press that and the shopping cart would automatically be attached to your qbee's hands and lets say you try to steel something that is in your cart or just trying to steel the cart lol when you go to the realm door or try to leave it will say you can't leave without putting back item or restoring cart. No with shelve will be simple for owners it will like open this small/bgi window like the canvas and it will show the shelve and boxes that you click and drag into the boxes and when you click the x you will see your item on the shelve now if you have more then 1 of the same item you can also add that two and your items will not disappear in 20 min. This is all very pacifict because i don't want you guys to get confused if you have any questions about it just comment and ill answer it ASAP.(sorry if their is any miss spelled words btw https://canva.com/design/DAFAIkH4paA/g9nQb691Auzv4qnWLsB02w/view?utm_content=DAFAIkH4paA&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=publishsharelink




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