I have a red balloon and black angel wings up for trade.

JellybunnyJellybunny Member
edited May 2021 in Trading Section
I noticed I had three red balloons and well I decided I don't really want it so I am putting it up for trade.

I got the black angel wings free from mining white flowers and I never wear em so I am like eh I will put them up for trade too.

You can offer anything (I am not really looking for cubits) but you can perhaps offer some of your stuff you don't want anymore either.
you can even offer decor.

In the comments specify which one you are offering for or if for both say so.

Don't lowball your offer but you also don't have to make it worth more than the balloon or wings.

I do like that new cherry blossom pink umbrella so if that is in your offer for either one (probably the balloon since the wings arent worth more) I may be interested.

Offer A: Black Angel Wings.
Offer B: A Red Balloon.
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