Extra Realm Settings and blocks and commands

>Peppermint<>Peppermint< Member
edited February 2021 in Suggestions & Comments
Some changes to realms and PvP:
Team Checkpoints:
4 different color blocks that when a player steps on it they are part of the team. Their team color will be a circle above there name of their team color (Red, yellow, green, blue.) Teammates can't hurt each other or heal opponents. If a player, relogs, disconnects, etc, they will stay on the same team. They can only switch teams if they leave the realm and enter (like life blocks)

Death Counter: Will count how many players they have killed in pvp. Can be made so it can keep track of all they players they have ever killed.

Death Track: A block that keeps track of who someone has killed

Disable certain wand: Some part in the realm settings that allows players to use a certain wand. Maybe you want all knockback wands or no heal wands. If all wands are disabled using this setting, pvp will still be on and players can still be squished and pulse bombs can be placed. I have seen players making "Cats and Mice" and this will be helpful.

Disable pulse bombs: disables them

Allow Qbee bombs: allows players to place them.

Wand cool down. Add a cool down to wands. Can be very useful for heal wands if you don't want them to be used frequently. Can be made up to 1 minute. (Cooldown only effects the wand you choose, not all)

Invincibility frames: can add no invincibility frames or up to 5 seconds.

Some sort of turret. When place can make it so it targets a player, make it static, and choose firing speed. You can put any wand in it so it can shoot wand ammo like the hearts from heal wands or stars from knockback wands.

Saving checkpoints: a checkpoint that saves your progress when you disconnect or leave and re-enter the realm. If you touch the saving checkpoint and touch a normal one, the saving checkpoint is still saved and disconnecting will put you to the saving cp.

no pvp markers: you put these markers into a shape and in that area, pvp will be disabled. The realm owner is the only one that can see them.

Respawn command: a command that respawns you
/isolate: all qbees in the room except yours become "ghosts" (transparent)
/mutechat any messages wont appear
/muteplayers players speech bubble will be empty
/hidenames like parental controls, everyone's names but your will be hidden to undo the effect, say /shownames
/blockhollas blocks hollas
/foams all foamed blocks will glow the foam color, to see which is foamed


  • /muteplayers sounds like /ignore basically
    unless /mutechat is only for the person who said it, then it takes away purpose of mute bumper
    /foams is bad for maps that have puzzles and secret foamed areads
    everything else +1
  • >Peppermint<>Peppermint< Member
    edited February 2021
    @MEEPYZ ,
    /muteplayers hides speech bubbles, but their chat can be seen, useful for players that spam. It only works if you do it it doesnt affect the whole realm or other players
    /mutechat doesn't show chat in the chat, but speech bubbles can be seen.
    /foams only works for the owner if they are confused what is foamed to help them. Players with perms cant use this command
  • edited February 2021
    All of the pvp ideas are great, so +1 to all of those, especially the teams one. I don’t understand the invincibility one though.
    For the commands:
    /isolate: all qbees in the room except yours become "ghosts" (transparent)
    /mutechat any messages wont appear
    /muteplayers players speech bubble will be empty
    I don’t really get why people would do these three.
    /hidenames like parental controls, everyone's names but your will be hidden to undo the effect, say /shownames
    I think this would be great.
    /blockhollas blocks hollas
    This has been suggested, but not in a command format before (at least I haven’t seen a command suggestion for it) and i think people would really like it.
    /foams all foamed blocks will glow the foam color, to see which is foamed
    This would be really useful so u never forget the color u used.
  • all the pvp ideas were pretty good except the turrets and no pvp marks
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