Animal Growth

For farm animals (chickens, cows, and pigs) how long does it take for them to grow. Or do I need to feed them?


  • GalaGala Member, Forum Moderator, Game Moderator
    they grow up by themselves after a while, as long as you don't take the box back..

    more farm guide:
  • If you want the most eggs & milk, do NOT waste your time and recubes on pigs. Although we can have 15 of each per room, we can only have 30 total to get the most yield from cow & chickens Note: chickens only lay 2-3 eggs per visit per hour so place in rooms with high traffic or visit rooms at least 7 times per 24 hours. I have 850 of each. Note: milking cows, make a hole then jump in, the cows will follow you & you need to have empty milk jugs. Make your cow pens approx 3x3 to 10x10 so they don't have far to go to the hole you get in. Milk every 24 hours. I made cooking recipe's in my realm Easy as Pie. 192 working stoves, recipe's and stuff.
  • WhimsicalFireflyWhimsicalFirefly Member, Forum Moderator, Game Moderator
    Funny that you still use the milking process I showed you. :D
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