One Small Question #3 :)

Dear Staffs,

My friend *Achilles* tried to make Terracota Stairs but for some reason it didn't work, I checked the Cubic Learning Center myself and the recipe said "Terracota Tiles + Chisel = Terracota Stairs" (The recipe actually said "Terracota Tiles + Chisel = Terracota Half Blocks" even though they were stairs) so I went and tried it myself, and instead it gave me Terracota Half Blocks (The ones that look like Half Dirt). I'm not exactly sure if they wrote the wrong recipe or if I just don't understand it. But it'll be nice if you could tell me and my friend the recipe and fix the crafting recipe at the Cubic Learning Center too. Was this a small mistake that the staff didn't notice? Or is it a small bug?

If you guys know the recipe, please leave it in the comments and tell us. ^-^

Thanks guys! <3


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