A Qbee's Voyage of Memories (BUILDING CONTEST Results is out!)

SeiichiSeiichi Anime WorldMember

NOTE: Accepting Entries now! The Building contest realm is also now open!

Event Start: December, 21, 2023 at 7AM (CC Time/EST)
Event End: January, 20, 2024 at 7AM (CC Time/EST) Extended Until January, 27, 2024 at 10AM (CC Time/EST)

Event Realms: A Qbee's Voyage of Memories, Rekindling Memories 1, Rekindling Memories 2 (To be opened if there's more demand for build plots.)

Overall Event Theme: A Collection and Voyage of Memories towards the 10th year anniversary of Cubic Castles

Introduction: It's been years since the Journey Began, when given a chance let those memories align, reprise the nostalgia behind the memories and at last those memories may illuminate your path towards your everlasting journey.

This collective event is a tribute to the upcoming 10th anniversary of Cubic Castles next year, the event is divided into 4 phases:
Phase 1 (Reminiscing Memories) a Q&A event where players must answer the prompts to enter.
Phase 2 (Synergized Memories) a photo collage event, a portion where players take in-game screenshots and make a photo collage out of their collected in-game screenshots.
Phase 3 (Rekindling Memories) a building contest where players compete with other players with their builds, participants must choose and follow a theme given, the invited judges shall determine which build will be the winner. Lastly the Bonus Phase (Silly Memories) a Meme contest where players do their best to make a meme associated with the game.

Each of the events has its dedicated prize so be sure to join!

More info of each event on each portion in this thread and its designated spoiler box.
Event Rules
  • Strictly no Alternate accounts (Alt accounts), please 1 account only per player having an alternate account sending other entries will lead your entries to disqualification.
  • Do not harass or bully other participants over their entries, doing this will lead to your entries automatically being disqualified and get a ban from the event furthermore to our future events, If you have any problems please contact us.
  • Do not spam questions or your entries, edit your message or your comment if you need to change something in your entries and if you have any problems regarding your entries please contact us.
  • Strictly no swearing on your entries.
  • All of your entries must be SFW (Safe For Work), Strictly we do not allow NSFW (Not Safe For Work).
  • Strictly follow the rules of each event, not following the rules might lead to your entries being invalid.
  • Please be respectful to others.
  • For any concerns and question regarding the event please contact the event staff or Seiichi.


Phase 1: Reminiscing Memories

  • 1st Winner - 20k Cubits
  • 2nd Winner - 15k Cubits
  • 3rd Winner -10k Cubits
  • Consolation Prize: 3x Bronze Piggy (1 Each winner)
How to win: Raffle

Phase 2: Synergized Memories

This event has been discontinued, prizes for this portion will be allocated on Phase 3: Rekindling Memories.

Phase 3: Rekindling Memories

  • 1st Place - 100k Cubits + Zombie Head
  • 2nd Place - 75k Cubits + B/Y Scarf
  • 3rd Place - 50k Cubits + Shiny Nose
  • Honorable Mentions: 3x Bronze Piggy (1 Each winner)
How to win: Build Judging

Bonus Phase: Silly Memories

This event has been discontinued, prizes for this portion will be allocated on Phase 3: Rekindling Memories.

Overall Event

  • Participation Appreciation Reward : 1k Cubits (11 Winners)
How to win: Participate on at Least 2 of the event Phase to join the Raffle

Estimated Total Prize Pool - 390k Cubits

Note: Keep in mind that each event has it's own rules on how to win


Overall Event Staff

  • Seiichi - Creator
  • *JulieSings* - Creator, Realm Building

Event Judges

Rekindling Memories / Build Event Judges:
  • Seiichi
  • *JulieSings*
  • GreyCoralKing /o[]xxx[]:::::::::::::>
  • Valyreena
  • Orenji


  • *JulieSings*
  • MinerJ 23
Additional Prizes/Sponsors:
  • Hinter
  • GreyCoralKing / o[]xxx[]:::::::::::::>


Reminiscing Memories

Do you still remember the time when your journey began? How about your achievements and your fondest memories with others?
  1. When Did you start playing the game and how long have you been playing?
  2. What peaks your interest Playing the Cubic Castles?
  3. What makes you stay and play Cubic Castles?
  4. What were your memorable memories playing the game?
  5. What is your most favorite update?
  6. What is your Favorite Item/Clothes/Pets?
  7. What are the things you’re looking forward to?
  • You must answer all of the questions in order to make your entry a valid one.
  • Answer the questions properly.
  • Strictly follow the submission template.
  • No cursing on your entry and remember to keep it SFW (Safe for work).
Strictly follow the example template.
Example Entry:

IGN: Overseer of the Cosmos
1.When Did you start playing the game and how long have you been playing?
  • Your Answer
2. What peaks your interest Playing the Cubic Castles?
  • Your Answer
3.What makes you stay and play Cubic Castles?
  • Your Answer

Having a problems making the template? Copy and paste this one!
Remember to keep the questions in bold font and your answers on a normal font.


1. When Did you start playing the game and how long have you been playing?
2. What peaks your interest Playing the Cubic Castles?
3. What makes you stay and play Cubic Castles?
4. What were your memorable memories playing the game?
5.What is your most favorite update?
6. What is your Favorite Item/Clothes/Pets?
7. What are the things you’re looking forward to?

1. Do we really need to answer all of the questions?
  • Yes, you will need to answer all of the questions.
2. Can I make my entry through an essay form instead of answering each question?
  • No, to make it simple we require you to answer each questions instead of making it an essay.


Rekindling Memories

While you’re in your voyage, try to leave a mark of your memories through a build and represent the memories you’ve created in your journey or perhaps what represents the world your journey is taking place in.

Realm/s: Rekindling Memories 1, Rekindling Memories 2 (To be opened if there's more demand for build plots.)

Reminder this will be held in-game through plots, each plot is 11x11 ,you'll not need to send your image entries for this one.
  • 1 plot only for each player, having 2 or more plots will lead to immediate disqualification and removal of your plot.
  • Do not rent a plot if you're not going to participate.
  • Strictly no alt/alternate accounts.
  • Do not plagiarize or copy other players' builds.
  • Do not harass other players over their build.
  • Put the theme of your build on your plot.
Participants must strictly follow 1 theme only for their build entry.
  • What represents Cubic Castles? (Eg. Cubits, Any Clothes/Item In-game)
  • A diorama of Fondest Memory in the Game.
  • Scenario that represents Cubic Castles.
  • Iconic Cubic Castles moments
Note: You may leave a note about your build and why you think that your build fits the theme you choose.

Discussion continues on the comment.


  • SeiichiSeiichi Anime WorldMember
    edited December 2023

    1. How much does each plot cost?
    • 1 plot should cost 1k, this will be refunded once the realm reopens after the judges evaluate each build.
    1.1 Isn't this supposed to be free? Why do we need to pay for a plot in order to build and join the contest?
    • The event is free, the build deposit allows us to make sure participants will be using their plot to build their creations/entry.
    2. Will my build deposit be refunded?
    • Yes, It will be refunded via a Piggy would be placed on your plot after the Judges determine the winners.
    3. During the judging of the builds, are we allowed to wander around the realm?
    • No, the realm will be locked or the entrances and such will be barricaded during this portion and this is to prevent participants from modifying their builds beyond the given deadline.
    4. Will there be more plots?
    • Yes, there would be more plots added during the contest if the current realm is already full.
    5. Plagiarizing was mentioned, does this mean I can not take inspiration from other builds in the game?
    • No, you may take inspiration from other builds in the game but do not entirely copy and paste the build.
    6. What happens if someone plagiarized and Will they still be able to get their build deposit (cubits) back?
    • They will be disqualified from the building contest and have their plot removed. Yes, They will have their build deposit/cubits back.
    7. Are we required to leave a note about our build?
    • No, it is not a requirement but it would give us more information about your entry.
    7.1 Does this affect how judges will judge my creation?
    • No, this should not affect how we will judge your build/entry.
    8. Who are the Judges for this Build Contest?
    • Pleas refer to the Events staff section.


    Submission Related FAQ:

    1. I'm having difficulties sending my entries here, is there any other way I can submit my entries?
    • Yes, you may join our discord server but please keep in mind that this server's purpose is only to submit your entries and for this event, Strictly no casual conversations shall be allowed if you wish to have casual conversations please use the Cubic Castles Community Discord Server Instead.
    • Discord Link: https://discord.gg/J9PyQU8KZT
    1.1. Are we required to join the discord server in order for us to submit our entries?
    • No, you make submit your entries here for further information please refer to FAQ #2
    1.2. I don’t have a discord account or I don’t want to join the discord server. Is there any way I can join the event without joining the discord server?
    • Again, it's not a requirement to submit your entries through the discord server, you are allowed to submit your entries on your comment within this thread but keep it in One comment only, label your entries, what phase your entry belongs to and lastly put your entries inside a spoiler box.
    • Example:
    • Phase 1 - Entry
      Your Entry

    2. If we can just send our entries on the forums, why make a discord server just for submitting the entries
    • It will be easier for us to track most of the participants' entries if we have dedicated threads for each phase specifically Phases 1,2 and bonus but unfortunately due to the rules being implemented on the forums we are only allowed to have One thread for the overall collective event.
    3. I need clarifications in regards to the event. Where should I contact the staff?
    • We will be trying to check the entries on the forums thread as much as we can so you can avoid multiposting. You may also send me a Private Message here on the forums if that would make things easier for you.
    4. I can’t upload my entry picture here, how am I supposed to submit my entry?
    • We Suggest that you upload your entry on a 3rd party image host like imgur then copy the HTML Embed code and paste it here back on the forums. You may also follow the guide on how to embed an image on Phase 2 and Bonus Info.

    Prizes Related FAQ:

    1. When will we be able to know who won each event?
    Approximately 1-2 weeks after the event ends, we will update this thread with the winner's name attached to it. ALL winners will be announced at the same time, please be patient with us while we evaluate the winners, especially the events that include judging participants' entries.
    2. I won a prize. How can I claim it?
    • If you submitted your entry through the forums you may send me a Private Message in regards to when and how you can claim your prize, same goes for those who submitted their entries on the discord server. I can deliver your prize via a trade or via a donation table on your realm, be sure to let me know how you want to receive your prize when you DM me.
    Note: We'll try to send a Private Message to the winners once we announce them.


    The Following events beyond this FAQ has been discontinued, you may refer to the following announcement.
    IMPORTANT UPDATE regarding Phase 2: Synergized Memories and Bonus Phase: Silly Memories
    We're sorry to inform you that these portion of the event has been cancelled due to insufficient amount of entries since the event started, Prizes for this event will be allocated on the other portions of event. Rest assured that Phase 1 (Reminiscing Memories/ Q&A ) and Phase 3 (Rekindling Memories/ Build Event), will continue as planned and will conclude at the given deadline, Thank you for participating on our current events.



    Synergized Memories

    Let your camera capture the moments you’re creating or have created and let those be a part of your voyage towards the future.
    • You must show your current in-game name.
    • Do not steal of other participants entry or picture.
    • The screenshot/photo must be taken by you.
    • Your entry must be on a photocollage form and must consist 2 or more picture in one collage.
    • You may have 1 or more entries in this portion of the event but this doesn't mean you'll get more chances to win, having more than 1 entries will still count as 1 entry.

    Strictly follow the example template.
    Example Entry:

    Phase 2 Entry:
    IGN: Overseer of the Cosmos

    [Insert your Image here]

    Having a problems making the template? Copy and paste this one!

    Phase 2
    [Paste the direct Image link here]

    Note: Delete [Paste the direct Image link here] once you've already pasted your direct image link entry image/photo. If you know to embded a image you may embed your entry.
    Code to embed your image:



    Silly Memories

    Throughout your voyage you may encounter some odd and silly moments. Got some time to turn it into a meme?
    • One entry for each player only
    • All memes created must be all SFW (Safe For Work), any figures or relating to NSFW (Not Safe For Work) is prohibited, using NSFW materials for your entry leads you to an automatic disqualification of your entry.
    • Do not copy or plagiarize other players' entries.
    • Strictly no Explicit Language on your entries.
    Strictly follow the example template.
    Example Entry:
    Bonus Phase Entry
    IGN: Overseer of the Cosmos


    Having a problems making the template? Copy and paste this one!

    Bonus Phase
    [Paste the direct Image link here]

    Note: Delete [Paste the direct Image link here] once you've already pasted your direct image link entry image/photo. If you know to embded a image you may embed your entry.
    Code to embed your image:

    Are we allowed to do an art for our memes submission?
    • Absolutely, Yes you may create your own art for your own meme entry. You may also use popular meme templates out there for your submission entry.

  • IGN: CubicPencil


    1. When Did you start playing the game and how long have you been playing?
    • I started playing on December 26th of 2018. I've played for just under five years.
    3. What peaks your interest Playing the Cubic Castles?
    • The sandbox of options that the game has. If you get bored of mining, you can build instead. If you are bored of trading, you can socialize. The large range of things you can do is what makes this game special.
    3. What makes you stay and play Cubic Castles?
    • The epic community and the tools to build adventures and minigames. Those are the main reasons why I play.
    4. What were your memorable memories playing the game?
    • Entering Pen's Yard Rentals for the first time and thinking "what in the world is going on here??" Hosting my first bomb game where I forgot a Pedestrians Only bumper and everyone climbed over the glass wall with their cars; good times. Hosting my first event and realizing how fun building is in this game.
    5. What is your most favorite update?
    • The Adventure pack update with Player NPCs. The NPCs were a game changer for me.
    6. What is your Favorite Item/Clothes/Pets?
    • Player NPC/Pencil Wand/Doog
    7. What are the things you’re looking forward to?
    • An NPC improvement update if that's a possibility, but if not, looking forward to see if Cubic Castles 2 becomes a reality, or if CC 1 gets overhauled/upgraded.
  • IGN: >Peppermint<

    1. When Did you start playing the game and how long have you been playing?
    I have started playing since September 6, 2016. I have been playing for a little over 7 years now. Although I have taken several breaks from the game, I have always returned to see how the game has changed or to see new players.

    2. What peaks your interest Playing the Cubic Castles?
    The fact that this game is an MMO and a Sandbox. The MMO aspect allows players to communicate and talk to eachother. The game has various ways of allowing people to get together like a central overworld or Hollawarps. The sandbox aspect allows creativity. People can build many things. Shops, parkours, or scenic realms to show off their skill. Both of these combined allow for player based realms. like Pen's Yard Rentals or Building contests. The absence of different servers or private servers makes the interconnectedness even better.

    3. What makes you stay and play Cubic Castles?
    The community. The players of this game are what makes me play the game. I get to speak to players and make new friends. The community is why things like bomb games and pulse games are still around. They host events, they create new builds, and they keep the game alive.

    4. What were your memorable memories playing the game?
    I have a few that I would like to share when I was a beginenr.
    I remember winning one of my 1st bomb games because the entire map was made out of trick dice and I happened to jump at the correct time.
    I also remember making Ultimate Candies during the 2018 Halloween event and selling them because it was able to give me enough cubits to buy my dream item at the time: The Spiderbrella.
    When UV Shades were around 20k, I saw a shop that was selling them for 2k as an error. I was always poor so I was freaking out, trying to do Tapjoy offeres before they were sold (I never got them D:)
    My last memory was of me finishing my starter realm. I took a long time mining and decorating it. My dumb self allowed anyone to mine since I assumed that when I was mining, people could tp to me and help me mine. Of course, someone did tp, but mined things since I still had free build on.

    5. What is your most favorite update?
    Custom textures. I enjoyed seeing all the artwork made with them. I have also loved seeing builds use custom textures in creative or cool ways. They look great and they have helped my builds a lot too. Although they aren't perfect, this could lead Sirkewberth to add more custom items like shirts or decos.

    6. What is your Favorite Item/Clothes/Pets?
    Glass. It is the most useful item in the game for me. It's cheap, it can display items. It can make see-through walls, It can be used with vends and prize machines to make them even more useful. Its a good alternative to scaffolding in some aspects since you can see through it, allowing you to see if there are any building mistakes. It's usefull in building and decorations.
    My favorite wearable is the Beard. It's a funny item that looks goofy when worn with masks. It can be funny seeing the beird fail to work properly with certain masks, but it can also look goon on certain masks too. It can be worn over glasses or "face" wearables, which can allow for more creativity.
    My favorite pet are the spiders. They are cute and I like how they come in groups, like chick pets.

    7. What are the things you’re looking forward to?
    More updates/changes that come from the community. Sirkewberth can add items based off of other people's suggestions, but I think that if he would add quality of life changes or updates based off of suggestions by the community, It would make them feel like they have an actual impact on the game. It gives players hope that people could make an impact on the game or it makes them feel better knowing that Sirkewberth listens to what people have to say. If he could do something, like at the very least comment on more suggestions or threades in general, it would be better.
  • SeiichiSeiichi Anime WorldMember
    BUMP! We're still accepting entries! Just a reminder you can enter all of the events so others can have a chance to win something too! But you may only win 1 raffle event (the overall participation raffle not counted), We also have a plenty of plots left for the Phase 3/Build Event, If you're interested be sure to check out the rules here before joining!
  • IGN Ultra.
    1. When Did you start playing the game and how long have you been playing?
    I started playing in May of 2015, I've not played everyday since of course I've had yearly breaks at different periods. Still not max level which is embarrassing.
    2. What peaks your interest Playing the Cubic Castles?
    I think the social appeal is the biggest, I've got a lot of friends from the game over the years some of which I still talk to occasionally. The creative freedom to do as I please and build what I want. I love packs but I'm not really into trading, I find it hard and stressful to be a good businessman I just want to give discounts or give stuff away.
    3. What makes you stay and play Cubic Castles?
    More recently I just felt like coming back, seeing how the game is and I've been enjoying it! Seen a few old friends and had a good time.
    4. What were your memorable memories playing the game?
    I've got quite a few, from winning a clan race in Blue Angles, to joining it, to all the emotional moments I've had with people, to the various games I've participated in (Hinter's PDC, Gdog v Hinter pack openings etc) and people I've met along the way. People building stuff or doing things for me still holds a special place in my heart.
    5.What is your most favorite update?
    Hard to decide really, I had a lot of fun with seasonal updates in particular but if we're just talking general ones either the car update or the stamps update (light snow, light rain).
    6. What is your Favorite Item/Clothes/Pets?
    The thing I most regret in my time playing is selling my black cat that I unpacked in 2015. Still my favourite thing in the game to this day and its such a shame I sold it! Silly younger me just wanting more packs. I've always loved the angel wings and halos as well - coming back and seeing the coloured ones was a big surprise, got a purple one immediately.
    7. What are the things you’re looking forward to?
    I always look forward to the seasonal events as I say, they're usually where the most fun in the game happens, people come back and its usually a really good time. The possibilities for 10th anniversary are also exciting such as maybe a Cubic 2, would love to see this game properly revived in some form like that.
  • acoolguy42acoolguy42 Member
    edited January 1
    IGN:actully poopinmynose (got banned for some reason) phase 1 reminicing memories]Questions:
    1. When Did you start playing the game and how long have you been playing?
    i started playing about 2020 and i been playing 3 years now
    2. What peaks your interest Playing the Cubic Castles?
    what peaks my interest is how relaxed the game is.i like the fact its a small community and not a big greedy corporate game.i also like participating in the events for example the monster mash event and fishing event :D
    3. What makes you stay and play Cubic Castles?
    what makes me stay is all the funny friends i make and partaking in pulse games,bomb games,pvp and opening packs hoping to get a rare item (dont question my logic)
    4. What were your memorable memories playing the game? my memories were playing with so many past freinds and exploring,getting to know and start shops with people.i had lots of great memories in super great big giveaways of people giving away supers and small little chats and very small but cool giveaways.
    5.What is your most favorite update?
    my favorite update in my opinion was the monster mash mining events.why?because unlike the super rare peppermints and candies which first off you have to spend way too much time for to even get a tiny chance at getting.and the monster mash events were better because they werent super rare but not super common just right and they introduced new pets which i loved the most
    6. What is your Favorite Item/Clothes/Pets?
    NULL/motely shirt/ram
    7. What are the things you’re looking forward to?
    definetly more fishing and social events that you can also make c with. i feel like the fishing and mining events were more fun because i made c and i got to talk with some more people which not only gave me more freinds but increased trading oppurtunity so just a big win.and i just cant wait for what epic event might be held on cubic castles 10th anniversary
  • SeiichiSeiichi Anime WorldMember
    edited December 2023
    IMPORTANT UPDATE regarding Phase 2: Synergized Memories and Bonus Phase: Silly Memories
    We're sorry to inform you that these portion of the event has been cancelled due to insufficient amount of entries since the event started, Prizes for this event will be allocated on the other portions of event. Rest assured that Phase 1 (Reminiscing Memories/ Q&A ) and Phase 3 (Rekindling Memories/ Build Event), will continue as planned and will conclude at the given deadline, Thank you for participating on our current events.

    UPDATED PRIZES FOR Phase 3: Rekindling Memories / Building Event
    1st Place - 100k Cubits + Zombie Head
    2nd Place - 75k Cubits + B/Y Scarf
    3rd Place - 50k Cubits + Shiny Nose
    Honorable Mentions: 3x Bronze Piggy (1 Each winner)
  • SeiichiSeiichi Anime WorldMember
  • edited January 6
    IGN: thepurelychee


    1. When Did you start playing the game and how long have you been playing?
    - I've started playing Cubic Castles around late 2015, when the game is about to peak. I've taken long breaks but eventually I visit the game.

    2. What peaks your interest Playing the Cubic Castles?
    - The fact that this is sort of a combination of Minecraft and Roblox. It has lots of cool features like fishing, trading, building, making textures and even NPCs. Additionally, the cool minigames like bomb games, bottomless games, PvPs, Pulse games and many other interests me.

    3. What makes you stay and play Cubic Castles?
    - It would probably the new events, items, packs or features. As an inactive player, coming back for something new is kinda nice. I would also stay for the community. Although it is small, it is still thriving and well.

    4. What were your memorable memories playing the game?
    - I remember the final moments of Good Vs Bad event, it was a fierce competition! Qbees were spamming their relic sets, and Team Good won. I also remember on a random day when I was fishing, I got an ultra rare which is a slime costume. I remember being so shocked and happy when I got it in my inventory. My last memorable memories is with my friends playing sky wars in CC then acceloing and trolling each other.

    5.What is your most favorite update?
    - Since I can't pick a favorite I'll just say my top 3 favorite updates which are the dancing update, the NPC update and the custom textures update. The dancing update makes me enjoy the dance floors, the NPC update opened a huge opportunity to adventure realms which I loved, and the custom textures because I get to use,see and appreciate the arts and the textures that qbees have made.

    6. What is your Favorite Item/Clothes/Pets?
    - My favorite item would be the YellowOrange Checkered Wallpaper, because I love the color yellow, especially if it's a pastel type. My favorite wearable would be the red balloon, I always wished when I was younger to obtain it. It makes me feel like a happy little kid whenever I wear it. My favorite pet is the snowman, especially on its level 49 form. I like its goofiness, because it is literally a snow "man" with muscles. It was my dream pet since when I was really young.

    7. What are the things you’re looking forward to?
    - The things I look forward to are the further growth of Cubic Castles and its community, also the 10th anniversary of the game. I'm excited what they have to show! I look forward as well to the future events of CC, I hope it will be fun and enjoyable.

  • SeiichiSeiichi Anime WorldMember
    edited January 21
    BUMP! I'm sorry for the late update but we'll be extending the event until January, 27, 2024 at 10AM (CC Time/EST)
  • SeiichiSeiichi Anime WorldMember
    BUMP! Builds will now be evaluated by the judges, I'll provide some updates if there will be changes. Winners for both events will be announced in around 1-2 weeks.
  • SeiichiSeiichi Anime WorldMember
    edited February 20
    We're sorry for the delay, no promises but expect the result for the building contest within this week. I'm still waiting for some judges for their evaluation for the building contest, we're busy at the moment we're really sorry about that.

    For now here's the winners for Phase 1: Reminiscing Memories

    Phase 1: Reminiscing Memories Winners

    1st Winner - @Ultra%2E (20k Cubits) Delivered via Build Plot on the Building Contest
    2nd Winner - @CubicPencil (15k Cubits) Delivered
    3rd Winner - @acoolguy42 (10k Cubits) Delivered
    Consolation Prize: @%3EPeppermint%3C Delivered, @thepurelychee Delivered (Bronze Piggy (1 Each winner)

    All Prizes for this part of event has been delivered.

    To Claim your Prize: Send me a PM here on the forums or add me in-game to claim your prizes, I recommend to put a tip piggy on your realm so I can deliver the cubits immediately and for the bronze piggy winners tell me where realm to put your prize, be sure to double check the realm name when sending it to me. You can also meet me in game to receive your prize but that might take a while since I'm busy and time zone differences.
  • SeiichiSeiichi Anime WorldMember
    edited February 20
    The results are out for Phase 3: Rekindling Memories (Building Contest), We're really sorry for the delay for the building contest results as a compensation all participants have received additional 500c on their plot together with their 1k plot refund. Please also keep in mind that not all judges have been able to evaluate the builds since they're busy irl, we're sorry about that.

    Building Contest Winners:
    Top 1 - @Daisyy%27 - Prize Claimed
    Theme 3:


    Top 2 - @Genus - Prize Claimed.
    Theme 2:


    Top 3 - @Honalce - Prize Claimed.
    Theme 3:


    Honourable Mentions (No Particular Oder)
    @Ultra%2E @&; Star Shine & @spaghett



    & Star Shine & - Prize Claimed.


    spaghett - Prize Claimed.


    Please feel free to checkout these builds on the realm, Thank you all for participating~!

    In regards on how to claim your prizes, The realm shall be open now and Your prizes shall be beside your refunded cubit + compensation.
    Piggy's Above the Scaffold should be your Plot Refund + Compensation.
    Piggy's Above the Moon Dome block should be the winner's Prizes to the Contest.

    Reminder to also please contact me @%3EPeppermint%3C to collect your prize for the Phase 1: Reminiscing Memories Winners if you need info please refer to the comment above this comment, While @Ultra%2E I have delivered your prize along with your prize with the building contest also I have given you 1k as a participation appreciation reward since you've joined 2 of our events.

    If you're friends with & Star Shine & and Honalce it would be appreciated to inform them since I haven't found their forums account, Thank you.
  • ok this cool
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