Update today

SirKewberthSirKewberth EdenForum Administrator, Forum Moderator, Game Developer
We'll attempt an update later today. It's a smaller update, but because of the way it has to be done it means there will be some mismatch between the server and steam client for a little while. Specifically the Kidzchat features won't work correctly until the server is updated. So if you see the new icons etc.. but cant use them it's because the server is not updated yet.

The update will have

1) New clothing items in the standard packs
2) Kidzchat feature
- Icon based chat option for younger players or anyone that wants to use it
- Can be turned off in parental controls section
- Parental controls can also be used to allow ONLY kidzchat for younger players
- Note - this is version 1.. may refine it from player feedback -- the idea here is to let younger players have a way to do basic communication without full chat for cases where parents want to use that option - but it can also be a fun thing for regular players if they like to send a few icons

The new pack items wont' be out until the store is updated. We'll post a message of the day when everything is up to date with the changes.


  • SirKewberthSirKewberth EdenForum Administrator, Forum Moderator, Game Developer
    Forgot to mention. There is another little tweak int he new build. Backpacks should behave better when sitting on chairs.
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