
Alv'Alv' Member
edited December 2018 in Suggestions & Comments
For now, when we click friendlist, Options

We have :

Fast Travel to Friend
Cancel Friendship

Why don't we add "Invite"?
So we don't have to tp them and invite them lol
When we invited them, they will receive a message(Just like when your quest done)
We can agree or deny, if deny we can add reason

What do you think?

Edit :
Once we invite friend we can write down our message as well!


  • I'm not COMPLETELY sure on the "reasoning" thing, as some people might just not want to tp, but +1

    Many hollas:
    "Graceful Thunder: Pssst, Berry. Tp"
  • hello i can chat here?
  • That would prevent from wasting hollas in a way, why not
  • I'm not COMPLETELY sure on the "reasoning" thing, as some people might just not want to tp, but +1

    Many hollas:
    "Graceful Thunder: Pssst, Berry. Tp"

    Unless they add handphone xD

    @SirKewberth What do you think about this??
  • Yes, +1 and make it so you can cancel the invite and you are only allowed one invite at a time to stop people spamming
  • Bump! Added "Reason"
  • This is a good idea so you don't have to teleport to your friends every ten seconds when you are making a bomb game.
  • This is a good idea so you don't have to teleport to your friends every ten seconds when you are making a bomb game.

    Or they locked their realm , I saw some ppl waste holla to tel their tp to them , rip 500c lol
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