Question about discord

first of all, i dont know what topic section fit this question tho. so sorry if wrong

so yeah, i am tryng to make a server but i dont know how to make a bot or add bot to my derver, anyone know how? owo im just a newbie on discord server making..,
can help? xd


  • First of all,this is the right topic :P but sure you could use the Help topic too if you want!

    Let's jump to the point then,making a bot is something I would not recommend it requires a huge amount of time and programming (coding) skills and unless you are very good with the coding languages,you wont make a bot that's better than the ones out there (No offense,that's normal :P). So if you want to add a bot,find some bots I would recommend; Mee6 is a very nice bot and it's very very useful for everything,sure you can add more than one bot but it's not necessary since Mee6 does the most jobs you'll ever need and I would like to keep this shorter so I think that the link below is a very useful link,I used it and now I know how to manage bots pretty well!

    Here's the link I used:
  • You could've just asked me aj xd
    Making a bot is complicated and you need to pay for that

    Adding bots is easy
    Some bots have obvious website links
    But there's an un-official site for bots
    And get hub is hard
  • Add bots from this website:

    Step 1: Press the '+'

    Step 2: Press "Create server"

    Step 3: Put the server name, picture, ect ect.
    You can always change anything on the setting.

  • Use this website it's easy
  • thanks guys! xd ill try
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