Realm Deed gone after placing it on Overworld

badjinganmudabadjinganmuda Member
edited April 2017 in Bug Reports

2 days ago Me and my friend, Wuffy, was going to make a Shop together. I bought a 69x69 empty realm deed and I'm about to place it. we're going to use "Cubic Daily Store" as our Shop name. and when i typed and click enter, suddenly a pop-up appear and saying that you cant use "Cubic" as the first word on your realm name (something like that). I tell Wuffy that we cant use "Cubic" word. So we decided to find a new name and it was "Planet Store". I clicked the deed on my inventory and I just realized that it names was changed into "RealmToRename" (I didnt tell Wuffy about this cause I cant wait and I just do it fastly). I placed it and typed Planet Store. It worked! but somehow after the green circle spinning (effect when you place deed) there is no realm castle appearing. I've been checking on skymap and lobby. I couldnt found any realm called Planet Store. I've also check on "Your Realm" section on the lobby bumper. and I still couldnt found Planet Store.

Sorry for my bad English and rip sentences.
InGame Nick - Mobu (Level 41)

My friend Wuffy already sent contact support, but he havent got any reply from it.


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