How to get good at building

I get told a lot by players that they wish they could build like me or saying "I wish I could build like *Insert Builder Here*" or "I could never do that", and so I thought I would talk to the best builders I know and write a guide on how to get good at building and being more creative.

1: Start off small: If you are new to building then start of small, build small things, So don't go from no building experience to building a 100x100 realm or something like that, keep it small and slowly work your way up to making bigger things, jumping straight to a large build can be overwhelming and can often cause unfinished projects and builds that lack style and skill.

2: Build pre-existing things: Coming up with ideas and knowing how to implomet them into a build can be hard, especially when you are new to building, so instead of trying to come up with ideas out of the blue instantly you should start with remaking something, by this I don't mean remake someone elses build in CC, that''s just plagiarism, I mean trying to remake a landscape, scene, area, item or room from a movie, TV show or game, this can help you to learn how to create different shapes using blocks, this can help in the future with other builds and help you to create interesting designs and builds, this will also influence your future ideas and style helping you to be a unique and amazing builder.

2.1: One of the first things I built was a Space Shuttle, I took images and tried to remake it, I then later started work on remaking The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time in the Cubic Castles, since then I have learnt LOTS of techniques, especially landscaping and sloping of which still help me with my builds today.

3: Learn from other builds: Other builds are invaluable to you, from these you can learn so much, you can learn how to utilize different blocks and materials, learn patterns and combinations and gain ideas to add to your own builds. You can learn architectural techniques, landscaping techniques and lots more. Use other builds to inspire and improve your own.

4: Learn the basic techniques: There are lots of techniques and design choices used in every build, however you probably won't know them if you haven't done any building before, however the basics are very important and will almost always come in useful.

4.1: Circles: Circles can be hard to grasp at first, they are surprisingly harder than you may think to build, you may end up building hexagons at first, however learning to build them will come in useful in all kinds of builds, it helped me to design a double helix in my library of which I wouldn't have been able to do without knowing how to make circles without circle guides and has helped in almost every other build I have ever done. The best way to learn to make circles is to use circle guides, you can find these on the internet (google minecraft circle guide) and build these circles, learn how they change as the circles get better and over time you should be able to make circles without a guide, it isn't something I can just explain, it requires a little bit of time, work and experience to get it.

4.2: Landscaping: The landscape of a realm can make or break a realm, if you get it right it will look realistic and the whole realm will just look right, if you get it wrong the realm will look blocky, uneven (not in the good way) and just look slightly off, so learning how to create smooth hills, subtle changes in the height and shape of the landscape is vital to making realms look good as having a flat landscape can be boring and is very simple, you want your realm to stand out and look real, not blocky and unrealistic, however it all depends on the look you are going for. You'll also want to learn how to make hills / mountains look realistic by changing the amount of blocks they go up by and by purposely making the ground or hill uneven for extra realism. This also isn't something you can simply explain, however utilizing slabs and stairs can be incredibly useful for landscaping and can change the whole look to an area and help to create smooth and realistic slopes.

4.3: Atmosphere and theme: Giving your build the right theme and atmosphere is very dependent on your choice of blocks, the choices of blocks can change the atmosphere greatly, such as using dark blocks (black plaster, old wood) and muted colours (mountain grass) can be used to give a dark, creepy or dead feel to the realm and using bright blocks like plaster, rainbow blocks and tropical grass can give a happy and warm feel to the realm.

4.4: Patterns: Learn to make simple patterns, these patterns can be used for floor designs with various block combinations to make realms look much better and more exiting, as a tip I would say to never EVER make a floor completely bare and made of only one block, that is boring and doesn't grab your attention, a simple pattern can make all the difference, floors can also be made more interesting by adding evenly spaced shapes to the floor made of a different block, this can make a floor look tonnes better.

Post not finished, I will finish it tomorrow.

Thanks to @Lil Chubso @Space_fetus @Liberated @PEgaming and @Cortana for helping me with this post


  • This actually helps a lot
  • space_fetusspace_fetus Forum Moderator, Game Moderator
    Your welcome, remember when building buildings i always use a minimum of three layers for the walls, this stops them from looking flat and two dimensional, try to pick two core colours for your building, then use a third colour for the trim, this will really bring out the other colours, especially if the trim is lighter than the core colours. Remember the most important thing of ll is to take your time, rushing a build is only going to result in poor quality. Never be afraid to adapt your build if your plans are rigid in shape this will allow for more error, if your willing to adapt as you go and feed off new ideas then your builds will have room to breath and grow more naturally. Also don't build mud huts! I'm looking at you @Liberated :D
  • Shhhhhh 9_9' @Space_fetus
    Quit revealing my noob side :(
  • MiwkyMiwky at your house stealing your Peanut butter jarMember
    nice, this will help me a lot.
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