Planting Trees

Hi, idk if everyone would love it? I want to somehow plant a tree on my realm so i wont go out and get some trunks xD hehheeh. im just tired lol. And to add something, i want those trees to produce coconuts xD that can be sold out and when we eat it, gives 250 XP :))) just suggesting ok.


  • and that tree would grow after 1 month JK HAHAHA
  • Growing normal trees to harvest for trunks would probably be more work than simply heading to a forest or mountain mine and mining some trees.

    A farm tree that grew fruits, or as you said, coconuts, would be a cool feature though.
  • coconut trees would be cool so +1 to that
    Especially if they were pvp things that you could drop on people that would be cool
  • i know right. :) plus i know we we need some charcoal all around and we use trunks for that. But coconuts give us coco charcoal too, like for example when we harvest coconuts, we can make 5 charcoals out of 3 coconuts or anything like that. Multipurpose.
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