old/glitched realms

PlayerPlayer Member
edited February 2022 in General Chat
just a place for me to put old/bugged realms that I find if anyone wants to explore them!! feel free to add to the list if you find anything

aaa - beta realm with presents
play - 3x100 realm
hhh - broken beta realm
word - partially broken beta realm (no presents, purple blocks semi destroyed)
time - beta realm (1 block of purple bricks broken, and some grass etc)
home - beta realm (literally looks like a freebuild)
house - beta realm (has a bugged door facing outwards)
potato - clay ore
rainbow - beta realm so old it is owned by Cubic Castles.
lol - beta realm but it's a mess
gate - example of a 2015 starter realm with presents
why - beta realm but destroyed
hell - beta realm but destroyed
heart - a broken beta realm but it's owned by Cubic Castles.
ponyville - big realm
ponyville - beta trees
AmeliaA realms - have beta log/cactus/tree
camelot - realm with clay ore in it // has doors to old forest // tropical room // mountain room // snow room (no ores)
anTREXonia - partially broken beta realm
LALALA - an actually cool looking beta realm - has a pirate ship, pixelart and a house.
Eviction - Mabz's realm
MightyMephisto - search MightyMephisto and explore some old realms that have been claimed by Cubic Castles. (look at the edges and see how much stone ore there is)
hehe - beta realm with some ice thing built infront of it
xxx - some beta starter realm but the sign is different? I don' t understand.
FFF - a beta starter realm with all the trees, bushes, purple brick, ferns, flowers removed
Kattoor's Realm - (search ''kattoor''. In here the first door on the right leads to a beta realm with a farm in it.
leocraft49 - just an old realm owned by cubic castles that is literally just dirt and grass
cubic castle - a realm owned by ''Admin'', also a beta realm. (HAS CLAY ORE)


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