Rework the Clan System

PlayerPlayer Member
edited January 2021 in Suggestions & Comments
The clan system is great but through personal experience I've found many flaws that need to be reconfigured and altered. (these opinions are coming from someone with a clan of nearly 500+)

1.Clan Summon Features need changing
The clan summon feature is genuinely unneeded and unfair considering it automatically warps you no matter what you are doing. A confirmation box sent to the person being warped would be more fair, since someone could be doing something really important. And if this is not a viable solution, make it so people in offline mode at least do not get summoned by default. I sometimes feel like summoning the clan but would never want to feel guilt if it meant someone lost their items because of it, so this would offer a solution.

2. Rank powers alteration
Either make a customisable rank system where you get to choose what powers each rank has access to (best scenario) OR change the powers as follows:

-Make it so only the Clan Leader and Clan Admin can spend XP on broadcasts, messages, and clan blocks, rather than the third rank being able to do this as well. I find that low-level ranks in my clan can waste clan XP and potentially ruin the clan if they broadcast things while I am offline. It's quite stressing to think someone could use the clan broadcast system to scam or cuss people, which could lead to people leaving the clan.

-PLEASE make it so the ''admin'' rank (2nd) and ''treasurer'' rank (3rd) can invite people to the clan!
Inviting people to the clan is a harmless power and letting more people have access to it would be great. I don't like having to make people have access to the Leader role just so they can invite people. People with the leader role can kick me out, along with everyone else in the clan. The fact that the ''admin'' rank can't invite people is the most annoying thing ever. I beg for this to be changed.

-Allow clan leaders to delete previous clan messages sent in the message area as they fall into the dark pit of irrelevancy. People viewing the previous clan messages could get confused and think the old messages were made in the present because there is no time stamp signifying when the message was sent.


Clan Broadcasts & Messages that can only be seen by a chosen rank would be really cool. We have 7+ leaders in our clan and if we ever want to get each other's attention easily this would be a great tool. As well as this, it could be used to broadcast to people that are the lowest rank telling them how they can rank up.

I'm sure people who do/have owned clans will agree with at least some of these statements. @SirKewberth you said 2018 you would work on revamping clans, what happened :(?

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