new command and previous realms

I wish there was a command that you could use that would tp you back to your realm that you have set as your home realm like instead of having to go back to the lobby or quit the game and log back in to do the start at home thing you could jsut do /home for example and be teleported back to your realm you have set as your home realm or somethings that or have a system that tracks the last lets say 10 realms you where in (including mines) and you could pull up that list and tp back to that realm thru that list so lets say you have to go do something at your realm really quick you dont have to have someone in the mine to or realm to tp back to


  • +1 I wish they added more commands...
    Especially /msg or /dm
  • I agree for the /home command, not for the rest.. Would be too much data to store and refresh every time you change realm. And warpfoods are a thing! Except for mines and realms that don't have some yeah.. ^^
  • or maybe the bookmark (bm) command where you type bm and let's u go to the places u set instantly
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